Oils separated from batter, HELP!

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Feb 1, 2022
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Arizona, USA
I made a batch of soap with a recipe I had used and liked before. On pouring it in to the loaf mold it looked great. As I was wrapping it, it looked slick and oily. There was some batter left over and that was poured into 2 cavity molds. The cavity mold soap looked good, but when I peeked again at my loaf mold soap (same batter as the cavity molds) it had separated into an oil slick on top with ugly sludge on the bottom. Of course it spilled onto my floor when I moved it. This has happened once before and I blamed myself, must has mis-measured something. Not this time, everything was carefully measured. I can't understand what is happening. Does this phenomenon have a name? Pictures and recipe below. Any suggestions from you kind, clever people? Can't find anything quite like this in the search box. I'm at a loss...wasted all my oils and fragrance and time.
oil slick on top.jpg

Looked good then changed a few minutes after pouring, quickly developed an oil slick.

oils separated from batter.jpg

Turned into oil and sludge.

cavity molds, same batter.jpg

Cavity molds poured from same batter at same time. They seem fine! How is this possible?

Golden wax 415 40%
Coconut Oil 22%
Castor Oil 5%
Canola Oil 7%
Cocoa Butter 7%
1tsp green mica-Crafter's Choice
Na Gluconate 22g
Snow Witch fragrance-Mad Oils 80g
Fresh made mango puree 2 TBS included in the lye water to weigh 316.74g total
Lye master batched 1:1 with aloe vera juice, weight 633.49
I temper the soy wax to 170 then let it cool, add the other oils and fragrance. Have used GW415 several times and had good results. Used mango puree once before with good results...it took longer to cure but still okay.
You can always re-batch the soap that didn't set. Put in a slow cooker, stir and cook over low heat until the soap reaches the "Vaseline" stage.
My first guess is always the FO, but it could also be that you didn't get a stable emulsion before pouring. Sometimes I'm able to stickblend it right in the mold to pull it back together. If not, try pouring it out into a bowl, stickblending it together, and trying again. Or rebatch as @lsg suggests.
You can always r-batch the soap that didn't set. Put in a slow cooker, stir and cook over low heat until the soap reaches the "Vaseline" stage.
My guess, and that's all it is, is that it wasn't completely emulsified. I think the small ones look ok because they cooled quicker, and gave the batter less time to separate. Then again, I could be totally wrong.....
Thanks @Isg and @Carly B.
I am afraid to rebatch it because I spilled some and don't know how much of what was lost. My kitchen was a mess! I was cleaning it up frantically because of the lye.

One more detail, I added the mica and fragrance to the mixed oils before the lye. I think it was the well-known "Grace" on the Internet that said doing this will ensure they are well mixed in case it starts to seize.
My first guess is always the FO, but it could also be that you didn't get a stable emulsion before pouring. Sometimes I'm able to stickblend it right in the mold to pull it back together. If not, try pouring it out into a bowl, stickblending it together, and trying again. Or rebatch as @lsg suggests.
Thanks @AliOop, what if some is missing due to the spill? Will this make it unsafe?
Also, it seemed to be at light trace when I poured. I was able to texture the top with a spoon and it looked pretty, then it melted and sank and separated--but the cavity molds didn't. Wish I had tried stick blending in the mold as you said. I still might do that. It is on the counter wrapped in a big garbage bag. Think I will try anyway just to see what happens.
Well, nix the stick blending, too late. It is partially hard and solid. Partially liquid.
Yup, the only option now is to hot process it. If you lost some oils due to spill, you can try to approximate what you lost and replace it. But it's hard to know whether you lost base oils, or FO, so it will be a total guess. You may need to call this one a loss. Sorry!

Have you ever soaped with this FO before?
Aw @Shirley-D , I'm sorry this happened to you. 😢

Does this phenomenon have a name?
Yes... "Stump Your Chums on SMF!" 😅
Well, nix the stick blending, too late. It is partially hard and solid. Partially liquid.
At this point, just let it sit for a week or two or until it can be shredded easily. The firm round cavity soaps give me hope that it might just need a little time...;) :thumbs:
Embarrassed to death here. I figured it out. Has anyone actually died from terminal embarrassment?
It was my fault. Last weekend I made a new masterbatch of lye. When I thought to weigh my jug of MB lye this evening, I realized I made a 2:1 water to lye strength when I wanted a1:1 Duhhhh
I am going to change my name, leave town, and start a new life. Don't look for me.
I am going to change my name, leave town, and start a new life. Don't look for me.
Seriously! Are you kidding me? You have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. You solved the problem by thinking in through! You should be proud of yourself.

That being said, we should probably start a thread "What's the dumbest thing you ever did while soaping?" I think you'd be surprised. You're in good company here!!! No worries. :nodding:
A glass of wine and a good night's sleep, feeling better. Going to dust myself off and start again 🤣
Thanks everyone for your help and support.
That being said, we should probably start a thread "What's the dumbest thing you ever did while soaping?" I think you'd be surprised. You're in good company here!
@Zany_in_CO I think I could fill that thread all by myself
My dog picture likes your dog picture LOL.
@dmcgee5034 I made a fool of myself but my doggy doesn't care, he still loves me with all of his pure, little doggy heart! Starting over :nodding:
Embarrassed to death here. I figured it out. Has anyone actually died from terminal embarrassment?
It was my fault. Last weekend I made a new masterbatch of lye. When I thought to weigh my jug of MB lye this evening, I realized I made a 2:1 water to lye strength when I wanted a1:1 Duhhhh
I am going to change my name, leave town, and start a new life. Don't look for me.
Oh, Honey! You want to go just because you're a human doing human things??!!

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