Not-confetti soap

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
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So this didn't entirely go as planned.

I know I had not packed the bottom of my mold with the confetti. And I know that I poured at light trace. But my soap just didn't flow enough, so instead of the confetti being "sprinkles" it ended up getting smushed down.

Oh well. It's not too bad. Just gonna have bits of pink soap crumbling off lol I'm gonna have to rethink this one before attempting next time.

I think I also have to find a different supplier for activated charcoal. I've seen people get a smooth black without oxides or mica when the powder is stick blended, but mine's still grey, and still flecked.

It's meant as a face soap. Low coconut with lard and avocado, and has my underutilized grapeseed oil.

Thanks for reading!

So this didn't entirely go as planned.

I know I had not packed the bottom of my mold with the confetti. And I know that I poured at light trace. But my soap just didn't flow enough, so instead of the confetti being "sprinkles" it ended up getting smushed down.

Oh well. It's not too bad. Just gonna have bits of pink soap crumbling off lol I'm gonna have to rethink this one before attempting next time.

I think I also have to find a different supplier for activated charcoal. I've seen people get a smooth black without oxides or mica when the powder is stick blended, but mine's still grey, and still flecked.

It's meant as a face soap. Low coconut with lard and avocado, and has my underutilized grapeseed oil.
View attachment 38092
Thanks for reading!
Did you mix the confetti into the batter before pouring, or did you mix it in the mold?
Did you mix the confetti into the batter before pouring, or did you mix it in the mold?
In the mold. I wanted it only in the bottom. Upon hindsight I should have mixed it in part of the batter for the bottom, then poured the rest of the plain soap over it. Right? I'll do that next try.. I have so much confetti lol
In the mold. I wanted it only in the bottom. Upon hindsight I should have mixed it in part of the batter for the bottom, then poured the rest of the plain soap over it. Right? I'll do that next try.. I have so much confetti lol
Try it with 1:1 weight of confetti to new batter. Hand mix lightly then pour over new batter mix.

Your CP batter should be like pancake mix when you pour.
It kind of looks like those rocks you split open to see the crystals inside :)

My Charcoal one seemed more grey then black too. Next time I may add some black mica to it