New member from Missouri

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Hello to everyone. I have been making soap for almost eleven years and found this forum about a month ago. Have been reading it daily ever since. Have enjoyed it so much and feel like everyone is so helpful.

I live in LaMonte Mo. just seven miles from Whiteman AFB. My husband is retired military, we have one daughter and two grandchildren. I have been side-tracked for several years making candles and jewelry but have had so many requests for my soap that I am back into it big time. I do have a couple questions I would like to post but wanted to introduce myself first.

BTW my company is Sunnyside Soap and I live on Sunnside Lane.
Jean welcome again! :D We are in Springfield. :) We have about 7 or 8 members who are "Show-Me" soapiers now! 8) I love this forum and we have the bestest members! If you ever get to the "Queen City of The Ozarks," look us up and we can chat over a cup of "Joe" and talk shop. :D

Thanks for the invite. I go to Springfield all the time. My brother lives down there and I also pick up my candle wax down there.
Coffee is my very favorite, couldn't survive without it. Would like to meet you. Jean