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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
W.Mids, U.K.
I know this stands for microwave hot process, but how would one go about using this method please?
I started off soaping using the CP method, then digressed to CPOP (which I love), -I would like to try as many ways of making soap as I can and am very curious about this method, but I can't find anything out about it.If any of you soap masters could point me in the right direction I would be very grateful :)
Many thanks everyone for putting up with my masses of questions :oops:
I use cphp crockpot hot process. My understanding is melt hard oils in microwave add lye water stir till trace . Microwave in roughfully one minute bursts stirring ocassionally till no zap. Hope someone who ues microwave for sure chimes in to help.
Me neither. I rebatch using the microwave, but i haven't HP in there.

When i rebatch I have to keep a real close eye on it as it bubbles up a lot, if the batter was fresh.....volcano springs to mind.....

I'm not a HP expert, but i would think it would need to be a low steady heat, which isnt possible from a microwave.

Someone may have tried it though

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