Just how bad is your soap dish?

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Kleine Teufel

Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
I've overwhelmed my soap dish, and have since taken over the boyfriend's soap dish as well... and that's just with scraps of soap (maybe 1x2.5" chunks, and thin, maybe half an inch thick max). I'm seriously considering buying a cheap plastic storage basket from the dollar store to put my darn soaps in for in the shower.
I'm terrible about having bits and bars of soap sitting at the sink and outside the shower stall. I just get bored with the same soap every day.

A plastic storage bin is a good idea. I never thought of using one. Of course, if I do that; then I'm going to have even more soap beside the shower. :lol:
I used to have tons of soap next to every sink and in the shower, but I've been trying to de-clutterize my home lately. I'm not saying it's easy (because it's certainly not), but I limit myself to 4 in the shower and 2 by each sink nowadays. Withdrawl can sure be tough, but so far, so good.

IrishLass :)
Yes, must have different soaps! So boring to use the same one every day. My husband does not understand this, however he caters to my wishes and made a soap dish that holds twelve bars. 11 for me, one for him. He is happy with that arrangement since he is of the opinion that a sane person finds one bar of soap they like and then uses that recipe, and scent, for the rest of their life.

They say opposites attract. :lol:
Toni, that's INSANITY there... Your husband of course. I mostly started out with having to try different stuff that wouldn't cause me problems, but now, I don't think I could do it... One recipe and one scent? ALL THE TIME?! Ha. The boyfriend has just simply accepted that there will be lots of girl smells in his house (he was a bachelor for many years before I came along). The only thing he doesn't like is when I make my mint soaps, because it overwhelms the house and burns his eyes. Everything else so far is fine though, lol.
bettacreek said:
Toni, that's INSANITY there... Your husband of course. I mostly started out with having to try different stuff that wouldn't cause me problems, but now, I don't think I could do it... One recipe and one scent? ALL THE TIME?! Ha. The boyfriend has just simply accepted that there will be lots of girl smells in his house (he was a bachelor for many years before I came along). The only thing he doesn't like is when I make my mint soaps, because it overwhelms the house and burns his eyes. Everything else so far is fine though, lol.

:D Funny, mint is the scent of choice for my husband. I think that may be a love it or hate it scent. We like it mixed with chocolate FO too.
Mine is AWFUL! Not only do i have my assortment of 10 or so soaps and soap remnants in various locations of the shower, but i also share the bathroom with 3 roommates. Though they are not as soap fanatical as i am, they still all have at least a bar or 2 each.

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