Jager Soap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
East Central Iowa
Hi all,
I just spent a week doing RAGBRAI, a bottle of Jager was passed around the circle and some of my fellow teammates said I should make a soap with Jager in it. Is this possible? I know I'd need to boil it to get rid of the alcohol, what do you all think? I'm thinking it would color the soap on it's own but would the smell stick?
Thanks for your help!
Oh, that would be a really fun idea to try! I have some crema de mental I want to use up :mrgreen:
I've never smelled it, but I read that it smells like licorice (anise), which is a very strong scent and tends to stick if you use it as an EO. But I expect the other spices mixed in is what you are after for the overall fragrance. Unless someone here has tried it and can report back, maybe you will be the one to do so.

You could do a small test batch without added fragrance and maybe get some EOs/FOs with the appropriate scents and do another small test batch to see how they compare.
I've never smelled it, but I read that it smells like licorice (anise), which is a very strong scent and tends to stick if you use it as an EO. But I expect the other spices mixed in is what you are after for the overall fragrance. Unless someone here has tried it and can report back, maybe you will be the one to do so.

You could do a small test batch without added fragrance and maybe get some EOs/FOs with the appropriate scents and do another small test batch to see how they compare.

Okay, unless I hear from someone, I will be the guinea pig :) I planned just to do a small 16 oz of oils batch to try it out. I'm not really sure what EO's to use though. It smells and tastes like black licorice, which was very appealing to me, I actually liked the taste of it. I need to order some EO's soon so if anyone has any EO ideas please let me know. Cinnamon bark comes to mind. Is there an anise EO?
ETA: Yes, there is an anise EO, found and ordered :)
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In the fall, the minds of brewers everywhere turn to pumpkin beer. However, after a couple of attempts and hard-won experience, most come to the conclusion that what they really want is pumpkin spice not pumpkin itself.

Point being that I would suspect much the same situation obtains with Jagermeister soap. Not only is it 35% ABV, it's also got quite a bit of sugar, roughly 1/2 tsp per fl oz. I'd imagine better luck with maybe a single ounce of liquor - for honesty - backed up by appropriate scents.
Anise is spice that gives licorice it's flavor, so that would be the first one I'd recommend. Apparently Jägermeister has a blend of 56 herbs, fruits, roots, and spices. That's a lot to draw from, but you can draw your own conclusions as to what to get and start testing from there. Here's a link to a wiki article that talks a bit about the herbs & spices in it. What I'd do if I wanted to duplicate the fragrance is to pick a few of them and put a drop of anise (it is VERY strong) on a Q-Tip, then trial different mixes (drops on different Q-Tips), keeping the mixes together in a plastic baggie to evaluate over several days/weeks. Of course you'd have to keep comparing the blends to the fragrance of the real thing, so you'd probably have to keep buying more & more Jägermeister (and drinking it?) before you come up with the blend that works best. :)
Of course you'd have to keep comparing the blends to the fragrance of the real thing, so you'd probably have to keep buying more & more Jägermeister (and drinking it?) before you come up with the blend that works best. :)

....oh, the horror... :wink:
Thank you everyone, I appreciate your input. BG, I think you are probably right on only using 1 oz of Jager. Do you think I still need to boil the alcohol out?
First batch of Jager soap is in the molds. I made two separate batches, one with Jager and one without. The one with 1 oz of boiled Jager had one ounce of water removed from the distilled lye water. Made them separate to keep one half of the batter white. Put them in two 4" molds from BB. Scented them with equal parts Anise, Cinnamon, Clove and Nutmeg EO's. It smells wonderful! I can't wait to cut it tomorrow :)
Can't wait to see photos, and I am highly interested to see how this EO blend cures (i.e. if any of the scents take over - they are all heavy-hitters so I can see them in your soap right now, duking it out)!
Unmolded and cut this morning. First I put the ounce of boiled Jager in with the oils then added the lye water. At first it was brownish red. Then it turned milk chocolate color as I mixed. Traced pretty quickly but did not seize up. Did a simple drop swirl, and as I watched the white turned yellow and the brown turned a reddish color. I like how it turned out and I like the description of the EO's duking it out LOL. We'll see which one takes over. Right now it smells like cherry coke to me. I love it! I'm pleased with how it looks now. It'll be interesting to see in a few weeks if I get more color changes.

I really like the coloring, what did you use as your colorants. I ask, because when I used Jaeger my soap did not discolor but I pour in the liquor right before pouring into the mold.

Hi Carolyn,
No colorants. I boiled the Jager prior to use and only used 1 oz in place of the water in half the batch. The yellow is just plain soap with the 4 essential oils added.
First batch of Jager soap is in the molds. I made two separate batches, one with Jager and one without. The one with 1 oz of boiled Jager had one ounce of water removed from the distilled lye water. Made them separate to keep one half of the batter white. Put them in two 4" molds from BB. Scented them with equal parts Anise, Cinnamon, Clove and Nutmeg EO's. It smells wonderful! I can't wait to cut it tomorrow :)

That sounds amazing! As a former bartender, I'm so curious about your Jaeger batch. That's one I'd never considered.

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