I'm bummed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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I just made a basic 2lb batch of OO and CO, added China Rain scent, made my lovely swirls, poured into a loaf mold, went to go clean up, and I found my dish with the 2 tbsp castor oil. I was SUPPOSED to add at trace, but forgot.....bummed. Well, this is my 1st batch I have messed up (out of 4, whipppee), and its only 2lbs, still learning. Now what......It won't have much lather will it. Might smell nice, but wont give much lather. Tomorrows another day!
Sorry about your miss. :( But 'smell nice' is important! I'm having a hard time combining my essential oils into consistently pleasing scents. I'll learn. :)
I rebatched some that I made and left the scent out of. Turned out fine. I now have a pretty good system to make sure I don't leave anything out. You may be suprised also, I dont use any castor in my recipe and it lathers great.
Rebatching was the 1st thing I thought of after learning I missed a step. Have not done that before......need to get my soapmaking book out and go over the steps. Never thought that the soap might be too lye heavy. How do you soapmakers NOT miss stuff like this? Do you line up your bowls or (whatever) in order that they go into the pot? I have a really good recipe for 3lbs which includes palm oil, but I do not have and cannot find it around town. Need to order online. Thanks alot for your replys....

Also about rebatching, I put blue swirls in the 2lb batch, left the body white. So, when I rebatch, the soap will most likely be a gray color correct? So, after I rebatch, it will still smell great but a yucky color soap? :oops:
I am not as experienced as most ppl on here but here is what I do:

Make lye solution. I do this 1st because it is dangerous and I feel it deserved undevided attention

I get all of my oils in my recipe out of the cabinet. I go down the recipe and when I measure/add oils I put the container up. That way I know that if it is out then it is.... well. Out :) I used to then measur my fragrance and sit it beside my pot and add at trace. Like I said earlier though I left it out of a batch once. So now I actually put any "add at trace" ingredients in my mold beside my pot. That way if all else fails I will see them when I start to pour and should have time to add them

As for the color, I am at a loss. Good luck though, maybe it will be light blue :) You could always add a little more blue if it is too pale. I think you can save it though.
Good tips about "organization" of the additives....Since I only have the loaf mold, I need to figure out something like that. Thank you. Will let you know what the color turned to!!!!!