How long do soaps last?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2009
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I am thinking about giving some of my soaps away as Christmas presents this year. How early can I start to make Christmas soaps, how long do they last once they are made, and will the ones I am making now still be OK to give? :? I am not using things like fruit and veg in them, just oils.

Thank you for your replies.
Hi Egzandra
All the research I have done , suggests that with CP soap , the older it gets the better it is . The ones I made 5 months ago are milder and lather better now ,than when they were first made. Just keep them where air can get to them. If you are just using oils ,if you made it now , you would have some awesome soap to give at Christmas. :)


You'll be fine. Actually... you'll be great! This is prime time for making Christmas soaps because they'll be AMAZING with that long of a cure. Last week I dug out a bar of soap that I made in summer of 2006 and OMG i love it! It's hard as a freakin rock and lathers like a mofo!!
Wow! I can't wait to get started! Thanks for your encouragement. Maybe I could weave some little baskets for packaging or crochet a purse for the soaps to go in.
Across the board....all CP recipes are better long-term?

I thought rancidity could be an issue. I've seen people say you shouldn't sell soap until you've been able to observe it over a long period of time to make sure it doesn't go rancid. What about warm climates? Or recipes with Hemp of Safflower, etc. I mean, I know about adding antioxidants but none of the responses on this thread included that disclaimer when they said older soap is better. So, I'm just checking.

Spinning head newbie here,
Well of course you should keep it for a couple of months to make sure nothing goes rancid/DOS etc. but otherwise, yes.. soap is like wine - the older it is, the better!

I'm about to start on Christmas soaps too I think.. once we finish the move to the new studio and I get settled in again, anyway!