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Soapmaking Forum

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New Member
Nov 13, 2009
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I have been reading here for several months so I have decided to finally introduce myself. I am in IL and have been making soap for about 5 months now. I found a farmer nearby and am going to start getting fresh goats milk from him, so I am excited about making lots of goats milk soap soon. I am also giving lots of soap to the local homeless shelter and food pantry - not sure what to do with all this extra soap, lol. But, I love making my own recipes and testing out new things. Only one bad batch so far, bad FO I think, it had no smell and turned an ugly grey color. Not too bad for just starting out.
Welcome to the forum!

I'm a newbie to CP process and hope someday to try to make goat milk soap. I hope you'll post pics of your batches soon. I love looking at soap. :lol:
Glad to have you here! Soaping is one of my favorite past times. I have not tried goat milk soap yet. Sound like fun to use fresh milk.
Goats milk makes nice soap. The friend that taught me to make soap does all goats milk. I like her soap.