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Soapmaking Forum

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Active Member
Aug 21, 2022
Reaction score
Fayetteville, West Virginia
Hi all! I’m new to soapmaking but have worked in fragrance/skincare for years. Recently a friend asked me to create a scent for his new shop and while doing research on geosmin I landed here! I’m super excited to learn and share. I love scent and decided to start making CP soap after leaving my last corporate job in 2020 and having Covid, spending over two weeks in ICU/on a ventilator and fighting for my life. Somehow afterwards the corporate world seemed like a place I didn’t want to be. So, I’m looking forward to meeting you all and being an active member of the community. I love patchouli and other earthy scents and mostly use EOs when blending.
Welcome fjura!

What a scary Covid experience you've had, and I don't blame you for looking for more. Post pandemic I find the corporate world so depressing, I'm still on the hamster wheel sadly but I'm looking for a way out, through soap! I also adore patchouli and just made a Karma lush dupe soap. I look forward to seeing your creations :)