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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Washington State
Hello, I am a guy nearer 60 than 50, who has been dabbling in CP soapmaking for the last 6 months or so. It started when my wife liked some hand-crafted soap we got at a farmer’s market. I decided to try making some myself, an idea which then morphed into “let’s give homemade soap for our Christmas presents this year”. So, after buying a few supplies, watching a few online videos, perusing some forums such as this one, and some experimenting, I ended up giving about 50 lbs. of bars as presents to friends and family. In the process, I found that I enjoyed it and wanted to keep going. So, I continue to dabble and try things. A few people have indicated they would like to get more soap when I have it available, and I may indulge them but I have no intention of turning it into a business…I already have two jobs :) But I am enjoying it as a new occasional hobby to go along with my other pastimes. Anyway, I thought I would de-lurk and say hi!
Nice to meet you Timber, glad to know that I am not the only guy here :smile: I just joined the forum and hope that I can gain some tidbits of knowledge from it.
Welcome and I love the reference to de-lurking. I also read the forums for a long time before introducing myself. I am teaching my 23 year old son to soap. I can't believe he is interested but he is..... I think he is more interested in making money doing it though. My husband has several bee yards and I think my son wants to learn the business and all the things that can go hand in hand with beekeeping including soaping.
Hi Timber,

Welcome to the forum! :grin:

You may not be considering a business now. But I know of several people who made soap (or other crafts) for fun while they were working and started to sell after they retired. As one lady told me, she mainly started her business to get out of the house and meet people but she was happy when she sold enough to cover costs.

It would also be a way to travel around after retirement. Pick out shows which are being held in cities you want to visit. You'd get to see new places and it even might be tax deductible. :wink:
Hi Timber! I'm also new to the forum. My husband is very interested in soap making. I think once he has some free time he'll be learning. For now though, it's my "me time" after we get the younglings to bed.
Hi Timber! I'm also new to the forum. My husband is very interested in soap making. I think once he has some free time he'll be learning. For now though, it's my "me time" after we get the younglings to bed.

Hi! My kids are older/out of the house but it is still hard to find free time. Actually, I don't think there is such a thing as free time, you just have to decide what you are willing to pay for it. :) Anyway, welcome and I agree with your plan to get your husband hooked. That way you won't have to explain all the expenditures, ha ha (ooo, I wonder what that new FO smells like...enter Visa look at that one...)