GAH! The towel got stuck to the top!

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Active Member
Oct 4, 2011
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My second batch of soap! A wonderful chocolate fragrance with a nice dark brown colouring. I've resisted temptation to go in and peek for the last 8 hours, but went in earlier to discover the rotten towel had got stuck to the top of the soap! I decided this time, NOT to put plastic over the top, but the towel has weighed down and landed on the top. It's dried the top of the soap in one area. It also looks a tad 'grainy'. I hope that the towel hasn't effected the end result, but I'm also concerned about the grainy appearance. It's like the lye has crystalised again.....
Hmmm - well if it looks iffy, dampen your finger and rub that area a bit and then touch your finger to your tongue.
I was flicking through a book and found troubleshooting section that stated the grainyness could possibly be from stirring too quickly or for too long (more likely too quickly as I used a stick blender) OR from not enough water in the lye mix. I used the same recipe as last time, just altered the fragrance and added a colour. It ALSO stated that these problems could also cause bubbles on the top of the batch (which is what happened to my first batch). Most of these problems would be more of an appearance issue, but to pH test to make sure.
SoapDish said:
I was flicking through a book and found troubleshooting section that stated the grainyness could possibly be from stirring too quickly or for too long ...
that's news to me.
carebear said:
SoapDish said:
I was flicking through a book and found troubleshooting section that stated the grainyness could possibly be from stirring too quickly or for too long ...
that's news to me.

Hehe. It's a pretty old book. I'm more inclined to go on the recommendations of you folks!

Doing a zap test on my first batch and it was fine. Just tasted like soap. This second batch is currently still in the mould, but with a wet finger and a taste, it seemed ok too, but I'll do another when it's out of the mould in a few hours.
Oh, no. I can relate because it seems like every time I do something a little differently, it backfires. :x I hope it's okay. It sounds lucscious.
Thanks Maythorn. I'm thinking that if it turns out to be purely an appearance thing, I can just cut the top off the unsightly bars. It's not like I'm selling it, but gifts would have been nice, as they may just be ready in time for Christmas. I might have time to do another batch to be ready by then though. :)
It's all out of the mould and cut up and looks AMAZING!!! Not gritty or grainy bits (except a slight appearance on the top, which I'll cut off) and no zap. All that worry for nothing. I'll try post piccies asap.

Thanks for letting me vent my worries! :)
SoapDish said:
It's all out of the mould and cut up and looks AMAZING!!! Not gritty or grainy bits (except a slight appearance on the top, which I'll cut off) and no zap. All that worry for nothing. I'll try post piccies asap.

Thanks for letting me vent my worries! :)

Yay! I'm so glad you can make gifts out of those chocolate bars. But I would have been worried, too. I think soap can do that to a person, though. Keep you guessing! :twisted: :lol:

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