Fragrances for Hot Process Soap?

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Jan 12, 2024
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I've made maybe 12 batches of hot process soap now. I'm loving it. I'm getting the hang of it. But: here is my question: The fragrance, although intense at first, and added at the very last, before molding: seems to fade quickly. Is there a brand or type of fragrance that is best for hot process soap? I am using 1 oz of fragrance (usually from per 16-20 oz of oils. Should I use more? Is there a better brand? help? Thank you!
I usually check the reviews for the FOs. Most reliable suppliers on the internet will furnish reviews. They should also give the recommended percentages for each product the FO will be used in. I have had good results with FOs from Wholesale Supplies Plus, Nature's Garden and Brambleberry.
I usually check the reviews for the FOs. Most reliable suppliers on the internet will furnish reviews. They should also give the recommended percentages for each product the FO will be used in. I have had good results with FOs from Wholesale Supplies Plus, Nature's Garden and Brambleberry.
Thank you!
I've made maybe 12 batches of hot process soap now. I'm loving it. I'm getting the hang of it. But: here is my question: The fragrance, although intense at first, and added at the very last, before molding: seems to fade quickly. Is there a brand or type of fragrance that is best for hot process soap? I am using 1 oz of fragrance (usually from per 16-20 oz of oils. Should I use more? Is there a better brand? help? Thank you!
I generally use Aztec ( and have not had any issues. However, I do agree with "...intense at first ... seems to fade..." Then later after not being around the soap for a few hours, the scent is back. I wonder if it's being "nose blind"? :)
I generally use Aztec ( and have not had any issues. However, I do agree with "...intense at first ... seems to fade..." Then later after not being around the soap for a few hours, the scent is back. I wonder if it's being "nose blind"? :)
I was going to suggest the same. Leave the house for a few days on a trip, and then come back and see what you smell. ;)

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