For an oil burner...

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
Is it better to use fragrance oils or essential oils for an oil burner (ya know the ones where ya put the tea lights underneath and it heats the oil)

I just picked up a bunch of crystals and geodes from the flea market based on my birth sign and the feng shui style and stuff... got my apartment almost totally set up... but i want to get an oil burner to give it some ambiance...

Ive got some Nag Champa incense (I looooove them...)

and can your reccommend any good oil scents for a saggitarius (yeahh recently got into the whole astrology-feng shui coordination too)

Whether it's EO or FO you'll need to watch your flash point. It has been my experience that EO's smoke pretty bad. I had to change to an electric oil warmer. Works wonderful.
*waves hand* Sag here! :D I'd love to hear what Pepper suggests!

I got a pound of DPG from a friend and I've been mixing a 50/50 with Fo's and Eo's. Burns great with no smoke.

I also got 2000 unscented incense cones...*hi jack* anyone know what to do with those??
Lane said:
I got a pound of DPG from a friend and I've been mixing a 50/50 with Fo's and Eo's. Burns great with no smoke.

Thanks Lane! I have DPG. I have used water (evaporates in no time) and oils to mix my scents in for an oil burner. Neither with real satifactory results.

New thing - astrological scents. What do you say Pepper? How about for us Virgos?

I know Sag's are spicy, sweet, and rich... something like cloves, orange, bergamot...

And I know Virgo's are earthy.. sandalwood, sage. That reminds me, I smelled a *wonderful* Virgo cande once, sage and wintergreen.
I also got 2000 unscented incense cones...*hi jack* anyone know what to do with those??

Place them in a bag, mist the heck out of them w/ your 50/50 DPG & fo blend, shake well, allow to dry & you are done.
lol :)


come out come outttttttttt wherever you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!

Healinya...sounds good...spicy, sweet and rich..mmmm got to try those suggestions :)

whats DPG!?!?! thats another we got to add to the abbreviation thread now lol!!!
IanT said:
whats DPG!?!?! thats another we got to add to the abbreviation thread now lol!!!
Di-Propylene Glycol... It is what they "water" down FOs and EOs with. :)
Tabitha said:
I also got 2000 unscented incense cones...*hi jack* anyone know what to do with those??

Place them in a bag, mist the heck out of them w/ your 50/50 DPG & fo blend, shake well, allow to dry & you are done.

Sweet! Thanks! Can I do that with EO? Or is it best to stick with FO?