First batch... too much EO

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Aug 6, 2017
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So I made my first batch last night and mistakenly added over double the amount of EO than I needed/wanted.

I was thinking I could cut it up and use it as embeds in another fragrance free/ lightly fragranced soap... would that be an acceptable way if saving it from the garbage?
Double check safe useage rates for your EO first. If your safe useage rate is 10% and you added 8% then embeds are perfectly fine. If safe useage is 5% and you added 10% then you should look into rebatching with some unscented soap to offset the numbers. For fragrances like lavender it's probably not an issue but if you used cinnamon you will feel it
The other day I tried a MP soap I made, which I new I had put more EO than I should have (don't ask), and it really irritated my eyes ..... Since I have several bars in my shower I was testing I thought it was my CP soap and was afraid it was lye heavy. But I never had lye heavy soap, and I did not think I forgot anything. When I wash again with the MP soap, my eyes got irritated again.

Then I figured out how important it is to measure your EO or FO.

So if you do battlegnome suggested, and you found out that you added to much, my suggestion would be to rebatch also.
So I made my first batch last night and mistakenly added over double the amount of EO than I needed/wanted.

I was thinking I could cut it up and use it as embeds in another fragrance free/ lightly fragranced soap... would that be an acceptable way if saving it from the garbage?

I wouldn't panic yet. Work out what percentage you used, first.
If it is not hugely excessive after a good cure try a bar and see what it's like.