EOs - more than skin deep

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Just want to re-iterate what Alchemy&Ashes, DragonQueen, and Lindy always say, that EO is more than a scent.

I came home this afternoon feeling cold, with a bad headache and cramps, and just feeling icky in general. Decided that a long, hot shower may do me some good. Grabbed a bar of spicy chocolate soap (with benzoin, cinnamon, cloves, and 5x orange EO, and some cocoa powder) and disappeared into the bathroom for 30 minutes. Now I know all the EOs in that soap are potential skin irritants, but I was feeling a bit "stagnant" and yin. It warmed me up, and not just because of the hot shower. Now even a few hours later I still feel warmer than I had felt all day. :)

I guess perhaps the same effects could also be achieved by a stiff shot of whiskey? :twisted:
WOOT WOOT! Yeah, baby! That's what I'm talking about ! :clap: Glad you benefited from the awesomeness that is Aromatherapy! Lindy and I were just discussing this very topic, so quite serendipitous that you would have this "testimonial"...I raise my shot of whiskey to you! :wink:

See, Lindy! It's working! They are listening! :thumbup:

Life is good!

I'm so glad it worked for you!
I woke up with a nasty headache and the beginnings of a cold. I had to make the last of my Christmas soaps (just under the wire). I made a peppermint/spearmint/eucalyptus radiata blend and I feel SO much better just from sniffing my soap batter.