Comfrey infused olive oil..

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Dec 3, 2012
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I infused my olive oil with fresh wilted comfrey. I strained it yesterday and boy does it stink!!! My thyme oil does not. Is it the comfrey or did my oil spoil? I am thinking the latter, but wanted to make sure before I throw it out... I let it sit for 14 days...shaking it daily... I think this rates a :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:
I infuse several herbs and my comfrey never stinks bad. It has a scent but nothing I would call sour or make me think its spoiled. I keep mine for several months making about 1/2 gallon at a time.
You posted a while back abou doing infusions right? Weren't they fresh herbs?
Oh I missed that.. If it wasn't dried out all the way it will spoil faster. You can use wilted but in small batches of stuff being made ASAP.
The only infusions Ive worked with was lavender, basil, mint and eukalyptus. They were all pre dried before infusion. My vote is with Bumble :) You should check out how Alton Brown dries herbs. He takes a box fan and several large box air filters (new) and puts the herbs in the cavities with another filter ontop and uses bungees to attach and turns it on and it dries the herbs. Pretty smart.. this might be the right episode...

I am on slow work computer so It isn't loading right.
Thanks for the link MK...I will check that out..yea jenee that was me. I did go to YouTube and found a vid about wilting overnight, put in a jar, cover with olive oil and leave for 14 days, shaking everyday, which I did, but what a surprise my nose had when I opened it. I never knew olives could smell so bad...they don't last in my Welp...back to the drawing board...
The only infusions Ive worked with was lavender, basil, mint and eukalyptus. They were all pre dried before infusion. My vote is with Bumble :) You should check out how Alton Brown dries herbs. He takes a box fan and several large box air filters (new) and puts the herbs in the cavities with another filter ontop and uses bungees to attach and turns it on and it dries the herbs. Pretty smart.. this might be the right episode...

I am on slow work computer so It isn't loading right.

I heart Alton Brown! That episode on herbs was really cool.
I very recently contacted the FDA for more information on the use of comfrey in bath and body products; as I was coming across a lot of contradicting information when researching it.

Thank you for contacting the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

Our archives indicate comfrey (Symphytum officionale)present serious health hazards whether they are placed into dietary supplements and cosmetics. The use of products containing comfrey has also been implicated in serious adverse incidents over the years in the United States and elsewhere. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids that are present in comfrey, in addition to being potent hepatotoxins, have also been shown to be toxic to other tissues as well. However, while information is generally lacking to establish a cause-effect relationship between comfrey ingestion and observed adverse effects humans, the adverse effects that have been seen are entirely consistent with the known effects of comfrey ingestion that have been described in the scientific literature. There is also evidence that implicates these substances as carcinogens. The agency strongly recommends that firms marketing a product containing comfrey or another source of pyrrolizidine alkaloids remove the product from the market and alert its customers to immediately stop using the product. The agency advises that it is prepared to use its authority and resources to remove products from the market that appear to violate the Act. As a consequence of this stance, skin care products containing comfrey have been seized.
If you have come across any products containing this ingredient, please contact your nearest district office consumer complaint coordinator and place a complaint.

We hope this addresses your concerns; please contact us if you require further assistance.

Best Regards,

Stephanie N. Socgfack
Guess that takes care of that...thanks just saved me from waistline more all I have to do is figure out what to do with 10 yrs growth of
I use the Alton brown method in drying al my herbs it works! I make 40+ bars of comfrey soap every year, I make a lot of herbal soaps, my biggest seller is pine tar and rosemary, jewel weed and calamine.