clamshell containers....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2009
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Are those clamshell style containers okay to use with M&P soap? I haven't made any M&P and am just looking for options to package them. I have researched some posts that say they should be shrink wrapped. Would the clamshells work, or no?
I would never shrink wrap M&P. The heat gun causes the soap to melt & if you can shrink wrap it successfully, whomever opens it will likely destroy the bar trying to get it back out of the shrink wrap.

M&P does need to wrapped airtight in a non-porous material. Saran wrap or a cell bag tied tight works well.

With that being said I have switched over to using clam shells this year. It cuts out a few steps. No unmolding, no wrapping, etc. You do need to make sure you don't pour too hot though so you don't warp the containers.
Thanks for your suggestions. Based on that I ordered some clamshells to try. It just sounds much easier and I think it would look really nice as well.
Just one more question about the clamshells....after the customer gets them, how hard are they to get out of the clamshells? Anyone experienced complaints about this?
OKAY, I get it! I am going to try them. Just something I thought of after reading through posts of how they are sometimes hard to unmold. Great pictures of your soap! Thanks guys!!! :wink: