Can you comment my recipe

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New Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Till now I only made normal 100% olive oil soap, and recently I’m do some study and finally I reach the fooling recipe:

Almond Oil (sweet) 1 oz
Cocoa Butter 1 0z
Coconut Oil 7 0z
Olive oil 22 oz
Palm oil 7 0z

Lye 5,4 oz
water 12,6 oz

And for super fat at trace add:
Almond oil 1 oz
Cocoa butter 1 oz
Green clay 1 oz

I also will like add Orange Essential Oil and Lavender Essential Oil:
- what quantity you recommend?
- And how I will proceed, add it 100% pure or -mix them with other oil, like almond oil? If so what ratio I must use?

I will appreciate all the comments.
Thanks in advance
There is no need to add any oils or butters at trace. That's an old wife's tale. At trace, lye is still very active and it will take whatever it wants. Add all your oils & butters right up front. I'm not at home right now, so I can't check out your recipe.
It looks like a mild, conditioning soap and I think it will be nice. It's going to be a little soft to start but should harden just fine since you have 55% olive in it.

As for the essential oils - normally they don't hold up well in CP. If you really want to use them, I'd mix a total of 2 to 2.5 oz of EO into some oil before adding it to the batch. This is just my opinion because I'm not an expert on using EOs in soap.
It looks like it will make about 2.5lbs of soap with a 7% super fat with that amount of lye. The Water as a % of oils is about 31 for your recipe.

The "Bubbly" for the formula is lower then the suggested range, and cleansing is at the very bottom of the range. I personally would make sure that you use the full water amount and I would modify the ratios of the oils a tiny little bit. I personally would do this

2oz SWO
2oz Cocao butter
8oz CO
8oz PO
20oz OO

This increases both the bubbly and cleansing of the bar.

Lye 5.4 oz
Water 15.2 oz

This will give you a superfat of 7% and Water as % of oil of 38%.
I don't think the low bubbly or cleansing values would be a problem. It's really personal preference and I've made batches with similar numbers because I like mild, conditioning soap. They're all turned out with bubbly lather and very gentle. The only problem I've had with a recipe like this is the initial softness of the soap. They did harden but required a longer curing time - approximately 2+ months.

eta: You could add some sugar to the batch. Also, the reduced water content shouldn't be a problem unless working with a problem FO.
I agree with Hazel. It does look like a nice recipe as it is. 55% OO is not a problem and will harden up very quickly. It looks like it will be a nice conditioning bar of soap.....
Orange essential oil fades so much for me. To nonexistent. I found using an orange scented fragrance oil is better.
I think the recipe looks good! I have used orange EO and it does fade, I purchased some 10x orange EO which is supposed to work a lot better, but I haven't used it yet. I did have it hold up decently when I used 1oz ppo, but that was a lot to incorporate. Lavender is great, I use it all the time. EOs do fade more, but I love to use them. Lavender sticks pretty well. I like to use it at .75 ppo for a good strong fragrance.
The recipe looks perfectly fine to me 'as is', as well. Like Hazel and Lindy said, it should make a nice conditioning bar that'll be on the soft side at first, but should harden up quite nicely with a good cure.

Your water to lye ratio comes to a 30% lye solution according to SoapCalc, which I think is just fine for this sort of recipe. Someone mentioned using a 'full water' amount for your recipe, but I respectfully disagree. I've made many batches with a similar formula and I've found that they do best with less than a 'full water" amount'. If you added much more water than what you have already, it could make things too soft at first, and you don't want that. It'll be soft enough at first as it is.

Like Soapbuddy said, there's no need to add any oils at trace. It truly is an old wives tale. Just add them all up front. I calculated your recipe out in SoapCalc and if you include the extra 1 oz of cocoa butter and the 1 oz of almond oil as a part of your main formula, your total superfat comes to 6% which will be a very nice superfat for this type of soap.

IrishLass :)

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