bulk bath bombs

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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Good day!
I made 15 2 packs of bath bombs and sold them all in two days. I despise making them, and thought since I just learned I have been going the long way in CP soap making after 4 years, I thought its worth asking how you all make your bombs!
I make them in a 12cup batch, and use a 3/4 c measure as my mold. This takes forever when they sell so fast. I was told you cant make more than that at once as it will not set because of the time it takes to pack them and set them up. At the moment it takes me an hour and a bit to make 7 packs. I hand mix them using a spray bottle to add the water, eo etc.

Also, what are you charging? I am calculating about $2 a bomb (so $4 a pack) incl packaging but not my time. I sell to a greenhouse and am making $2 a pack, hardly worth it. (she sells them for $ 8 )A customer told me I should charge $10-12 per pack as she got some at LUSH for $14...I have HUGE demand for them, just want it to be worth it. At this point Id like to spend a few hours making a few dozen, not 15.
Thanks in advance!
Wow! If I had an assured source to sell a lot, I'd feel justified in buying a bath bomb press. They're expensive but you'd be able to pay the cost off soon with you having such a high demand. Someone mentioned (it's probably been a couple of years ago) she had bought one and loved it. I remember she was thrilled at how easy it was to use and how many she got made in an hour. The amount she made really lowered the labor cost for each bomb. I wish I could remember who wrote about it. I may not even have seen the post on this forum. :oops:

I don't know which is best but I've seen the presses on different sites. I think Willow Way had the least expensive but you could google to check out other suppliers.
If you know a really handy person a shot gun shell filler can be revamped into a bath bomb press. LOL, I am still trying to get my hubby to make ours into a bath bomb press for me. He does agree with tweaking it will work, since that is the basic design of the manual press
Lord, I hate bath bombs! I only made them once, and they did sell, but UGH! I used a meatball press that I ordered from WSP for like $7 or something. My hands were SO torn up! Blisters like you would not believe! I will NOT be making more till I can figure out a way to make them without injuring myself in the process!
Ill look into the press idea. I really didn't want my soap business to go this direction but people constantly ask for the bombs...
When I made bath bombs I would press them into guest size soap molds and once set unmold them. It worked great. However, they didn't sell much so I removed them from my line a couple years ago.

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