Boys are dumb

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I see no reason to lambast anyone. I just consider the source, realize that anyone who would make such a broad generalization probably is not so bright themselves, and go about my business.

I see no reason to lambast anyone, either, especially for posts that were obviously silly tongue-in-cheek. So I guess we should all just "consider the source" about anyone who would get their panties in a bunch over it, realize they themselves are "not so bright" and move on?

If you were offended by the broad generalizations, perhaps you could have found a better way to express it, without name-calling or being so rude or offensive yourself.
Sorry if I offended anyone with my title. I meant it as a poke at my brother. I know many men who really appreciate my soap. But they don't care for manly scents - they all want vanilla or peppermint.

There are two reasons for that:

1) Vanilla and peppermint SMELL good! And I've found that the scents tend to "stick" on the skin after showering, providing a nice subtle undertone to my cologne.

2) Women like those scents on men. No mystery there ... lol
I read somewhere that vanilla is considered the sexist scent by men. I'm sure it was one of those trashy how-to-get-a-man articles in a "women's" magazine that I'm guilty of perusing while at the nail shop. Still, DH really likes that scent... Of course, they also advised to fiddle with the area behind a man's ears as a secret-oo-la-la-spot. That didn't turn out well... :oops:
And sorry to bring up oo-la-la-spots on a post about little brothers. Eww.

I think it's a universally known truth that all little brothers are dumb. All big sisters are bossy (mine was). All little sisters are whiny and obnoxious (I certainly was).