BOO HOO - the leopard has lost its spots (see botched pix)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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:( So the other day when I turned out my botched soap - it looked kinda cool like an inverse leopard print - today - not so happy - the dark redbrown veins have seemingly grown thicker and so the contrast between the two - not loving that so much - The little specks are Hibiscus and Honeybush crushed tea bits. Smells nice - but sadly doesnt look as nice as it did when I first liberated it! (mind the bits of wax paper still stuck to the soap - will cut away later). Sad, that it doesnt look so leopardy anymore - and sadder that it is resembling mushed Mac n Cheese slathered in BBQ sauce like it did when I poured it! OH WELL

In the future I think I might I add thick trace the spots with a darker colour and thin trace the veins. I promised pics though (and I am ashamed cos I bragged about the cool patterned soap......that didnt turn out so cool patterned today) :oops: hazukashii :oops:
[/img] :(
aww tks pizzaface - maybe the BBQ sauce will grow on me, it does seem to have grown on my soap!
No need to feel ashamed at all, soap is very fickle any soaper knows that , it still looks very nice , I like the look of it. :D

I missed the before pictures but I sure like these ones.