Well, I've made another batch of soap. About 2 lbs. of it. Faithy helped me choose the oils to use. Faithy, thank you for all of your help and input! Now, if I could just learn to make soap!!!!!
Since I have learned that grams are much more accurate than ounces, I've been using grams to measure. I used the RTCP method. Here's the recipe I used this time:
Meanwhile, I melted and mixed my oils (including the Vitamin E). After they cooled, I added 2 teaspoons of tumeric (shooting for a orange/yellow color) and the tea leaves from one bag of tea (for a mild exfoliant) to the oils. I used the SB to make sure everything was well blended.
After everything became room temp, I stirred in the lye tea. I began blending with the SB. When the soap reached trace, I added the 120g of GM and 1 oz. of Lemon Merenge FO. I continued blending with the SB until eveything was well mixed.
At this point, the soap had a rather sharp lemon fragrance and was (what I called) a baby poop orangy brown! Ergo, the name of this thread!
So, I poured it into the mold.
It quickly developed a skim that was the orange color that you see around the edges in the pics below. But, as it heated up, it became very dark and took on a jelly-like appearance.
I don't know how this will turn out. I'm going to give it until tomorrow before I pass judgement. But, right now, it looks.... well.... like crap to me!
Here are the pics:
Hey Faithy... I figured out how to write on my pics! Can you tell????

Since I have learned that grams are much more accurate than ounces, I've been using grams to measure. I used the RTCP method. Here's the recipe I used this time:
- Crisco 155g
Lard 125g
Olive Oil 105g
Coconut Oil 185g
Castor Oil 50g
Vitamin E 15g
Liquid (Green Tea 115g & Goat's Milk 120g) 235g
Lye 90g
Meanwhile, I melted and mixed my oils (including the Vitamin E). After they cooled, I added 2 teaspoons of tumeric (shooting for a orange/yellow color) and the tea leaves from one bag of tea (for a mild exfoliant) to the oils. I used the SB to make sure everything was well blended.
After everything became room temp, I stirred in the lye tea. I began blending with the SB. When the soap reached trace, I added the 120g of GM and 1 oz. of Lemon Merenge FO. I continued blending with the SB until eveything was well mixed.
At this point, the soap had a rather sharp lemon fragrance and was (what I called) a baby poop orangy brown! Ergo, the name of this thread!

It quickly developed a skim that was the orange color that you see around the edges in the pics below. But, as it heated up, it became very dark and took on a jelly-like appearance.
I don't know how this will turn out. I'm going to give it until tomorrow before I pass judgement. But, right now, it looks.... well.... like crap to me!
Here are the pics:

Hey Faithy... I figured out how to write on my pics! Can you tell????