after sun lotion gone wrong?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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My husband burned his face welding (twice!!) and I made him some lotion. After he used it his skin tightened right up and was glossy and hard. He ended up just putting vicks on it and said it felt better than what I made. what did I do wrong?
I used:
3tbsp aloe butter
1tbsp raw shea
1/2tbsp avocado oil
1.2tbsp jojoba
2tbsp coconut oil
First what you made was not a lotion. A lotion may have been ok provided that it had a large percentage of water. Putting oil or butter on burns is not a good idea. It can trap the heat of the burn in the skin.

Quoted from:

According to the Dermatology Clinic at UAMS, it is very important to immediately cool the skin after receiving a burn. This helps stop the damage from the burning process. Putting butter or other greasy ointments on a burn may actually make things worse, since the grease will slow the release of heat from the skin. This causes more damage from the retained heat.

The best way to release heat from the skin is with cool water. Ice and ice water are too harsh and may further aggravate already damaged skin. Cool water helps to gently remove heat from the area.
^^Exactly this. Never put oils on a fresh burn. They will do more harm than help for sure. My husband is a machinist and gets burns from hot metal flying and I've told him to just rinse it with cold water and use a cool compress for a bit. Once it's no longer raw looking we use antibotic cream.
I second lsg's recommendation for Aloe, and fresh aloe from your own plant it the absolute best. (a lot of store bought aloe has lost some of its
best properties after sitting around) I used to do a lot of baking and homemade candy making and had lots of burns. For minor burns where the pain usually lingers annoyingly for hours, fresh aloe greatly shortened it for me. I coat the burn well at least once, but often again after half an hour or so.

Your husband's welding burns though...if they are worse than minor, he might benefit from talking to a doctor about silvedene cream.
My husband burned his face welding (twice!!) and I made him some lotion. After he used it his skin tightened right up and was glossy and hard. He ended up just putting vicks on it and said it felt better than what I made. what did I do wrong?
I used:
3tbsp aloe butter
1tbsp raw shea
1/2tbsp avocado oil
1.2tbsp jojoba
2tbsp coconut oil

That is a lot of coconut oil if your aloe butter is coconut based, which most seem to be. It would be like putting butter on a burn.

ETA: I have had success using raw honey on burns and then bandaging.

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