whipped butter

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  1. LittleSass

    Cupuacu body butter will not “fluff” when whipped

    Hi everyone, I’m new here…my first post! I‘ve been reading through so many suggestions. I love it. I have so many questions! I’m fairly new (6 mo) to making anhydrous and emulsified BB, but have tried many different recipes already. I tried a very simple oil/cupuacu body butter (I love the...
  2. QueenJ

    Whipped body butter

    So I’ve been making whipped body butters for years and i have a few go to recipes that i use and I tried 2 techniques which require (cooling phase) I pop my oils in the fridge or freezer to quicken up the cooling process then whip until perfect consistency. Im curious if there is another way of...
  3. A

    Yay whipped butter.

    A few weeks ago I made some hard skin/lip balms that my mom and dad loved. My dad especially because he works at CAT and his hands get a little dry from the machinery and gloves and what not. I love it because my eczema is hard to treat and those balms do great things especially at school since...