Glycerin turning into what looks like instant mashed potatoes

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
So I thought I'd have some fun and venture into the world of liquid soap and decided the glycerin method would be a great way to start.

I followed the method in the Soaping 101 video and can't seem to get my glycerin and KOH to turn clear when it's dissolved. Instead I end up with what looks like instant mashed potatoes in the pot. It's thick and white.

Any ideas what has gone wrong?
Did you heat the glycerin before adding the lye to it? Apparently, the glycerin needs to be about 200 degrees before adding lye.

I just watched the video again myself, paying special attention to when she adds the glycerin/lye solution to the oils. It looks like to me, that it's not really clear like water. In fact, it looked a little lumpy and white. You might be alright, but I'm no expert, as I have yet to make any myself.
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Yes, I heated it to 200F before adding the KOH. I'm wondering if I add more glycerin if that would help. My thinking is that I kept it on the heat too long in order to get all of the lye to dissolve. That or I mistook undissolved lye for the start of saponification.

I gave up with the glycerin and made it with water My reasoning for choosing the glycerin method is there isn't a need to neutralize afterwards. I made a batch of LS a couple of years ago following Catherine Failor's methods and it turned out great, but it was too time consuming. Speed is of the
I use more glycerin than the video suggests. I ran the recipe through the Summer Bee Meadow lye calculator and used 11 oz of glycerin to dissolve the lye.

Here is the recipe I used:

Castor 3.59 oz
Coconut 11.43 oz
Palm .98 oz

Glycerin 11 oz
KOH 3.5 oz
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Thank you! As soon as my glycerin arrives, I'll give it another shot and up the amount I used. I followed Soaping 101's video and recipe....

1.5 oz Coconut
1.5 oz Castor
13 oz Olive
3 oz KOH
6 oz Glycerin

Fingers crossed I can get this right because I've got customers asking a fair amount about LS and when I can start selling it.
Something I just thought of. Did you increase your lye amount by 10%? If you used Soapcal, it gives the KOH value for 100% KOH. You can't find KOH at 100%. I've read where it's normally about 90%, so you need to increase the KOH value Soapcal gives you by 10%, to make up for that.
No, I didn't increase it. There was enough trouble getting the lye to dissolve as it was. Once I get this kink worked out I may try increasing it.
From what I've read, if you use the Brambleberry soapcal, they already add the 10% in for the KOH, but Soapcal does not. I haven't tried this yet (making liquid soap) I'm still working on a viable recipe. :) And trying to learn all I can before I start.
I've made a lot of liquid soap using the glycerine method and here is my 2c worth. You need to use 3 times as much glycerine as KOH. I just get the glycerine warming as I weigh my KOH then tip it into the glycerine and stir, still on the stove. It takes about 10-15 mins to dissolve completely. It will go all white and milky but will clear if you take it off the heat for a while,then you can check if it's all dissolved. You'll probably need to squash the last few bits with the back of a spoon. I'm very impatient and this is the most tedious part of making liquid soap for me!

ETA: you do need to up the KOH from SoapCalc by 10%.
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Thank you both! I will definitely up the KOH for my next attempt. It felt like there wasn't enough Glycerin to accommodate the KOH.

To recalculate that recipe I posted earlier from Soaping 101:

1.5 oz Coconut
1.5 oz Castor
13 oz Olive
3.3 oz KOH - instead of 3 oz
10 oz Glycerin - instead of 6 oz

Does this sound right?
Thanks for the input juliet! I've made a note of this in my book about making liquid soap with glycerin!
I'm really glad I saw this thread! I watched that video too and have been wanting to try some liquid soap. But I am not always convinced of all the details in her videos. There is tons of great info there but some that differs from my personal experience. So I was hesitant to try her recipe just as it was. And the fact that I am trying, VERY HARD to not use my food crock pot for soaping!!! LOL! I have been searching for a second hand one to buy. Without success. The one I have for food is so perfect for it though. It has a 'Warm' setting as well as 'Low' and 'High'.

Thanks to all who posted there experiences and recipes!!!

Do you all use this just for hand washing and body wash? I was wondering if I can use it for dishes and.....well everything.
I used my food crockpot for mine. Until I'm ready to sell it, there's no point in spending the cash to get a new one and then the even bigger problem of finding somewhere to store They are heavily glazed and absolutely nothing sticks to them so I figured it was ok for a test batch. Not to mention I disinfected it before and after!

Now to wait for my glycerin to arrive. It's like watching paint

I'll post again when I attempt the next batch....soon I hope!
I do want you to post Natural! I've just ordered my KOH! One step closer! lol! I know once I get it, I won't be able to wait any longer. I, too, use the same crock...but then I don't do any cooking in it anyway! lol! But I figure what with washing it in hot soapy water and vinegar, it should be safe when/if I want to use it for actual food.

As to AngelMomma's question. I'm going to start out with dish washing liquid myself. I'm going to make it out of 90% coconut oil, and 10% castor oil. It will be to hand wash dishes, ( and maybe wash hands at the kitchen sink ) not put in the dishwasher (WAY too sudsy for that) I've been told it won't work, but I'm going to try it anyway. I have a bar soap of 100% coconut oil, and I've tested it on dishes and it seems to do fine. We'll see.
I didn't know you could use glycerin to avoid having to neutralize the soap. Hmmm. Looks like I have a video to watch.
Ok, I made my first batch of liquid dish soap yesterday. I used glycerin instead of water. I used 3 times as much glycerin as KOH measurement. I only cooked it while I was bringing it to trace. Then I turned the crockpot off, and left it sitting for about 5 hours. I ended up with a very sticky gel that was clear on the bottom and white on top. I stirred that up, and it turned all white. Put most of it in a jar and put in frig. A little bit of it I diluted with distilled water and some EO's. It cleared up very quickly. Used it to wash a greasy pan I broiled steaks in last night, and it cleaned it nicely. This recipe is 90% coconut oil and 10% Castor Oil, superfatted at 3%. It bubbles very well, and the bubbles stay about as long as store bought dish soap.

Liquid soap 001.jpg
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Ok, I made my first batch of liquid dish soap yesterday. I used glycerin instead of water. I used 3 times as much glycerin as KOH measurement. I only cooked it while I was bringing it to trace. Then I turned the crockpot off, and left it sitting for about 5 hours. I ended up with a very sticky gel that was clear on the bottom and white on top. I stirred that up, and it turned all white. Put most of it in a jar and put in frig. A little bit of it I diluted with distilled water and some EO's. It cleared up very quickly. Used it to wash a greasy pan I broiled steaks in last night, and it cleaned it nicely. This recipe is 90% coconut oil and 10% Castor Oil, superfatted at 3%. It bubbles very well, and the bubbles stay about as long as store bought dish soap.


What did your paste look like when you turned off the crockpot? I've got some underway as I type and it's not clear like in the video. It's together, but it's milky looking.

Fingers crossed this works!
It was really white and sudsy. I think I actually blended too long. lol!

I'm really liking this for my dishes. Someone said it doesn't work in hard water....maybe my water isn't as hard as theirs. We have a well, and we have a water softener. But at any rate, it's doing an excellent job! I think I like the 1 to 1 dilution ratio. I keep mine in what is actually one of those glass oil thangys? You know, with the long snout on the end? It pours out easier than the store bought LS.

Let me know how your's turns out ok?
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Definitely upping the glycerin helped me achieve a great batch of LS! Worked like a charm for sure. Now to formulate my own recipe. Woot woot!