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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. W

    Golf ball mold?

    Can someone help me with ideas for making a golf ball soap? I'd like it to be the exact size with dimples like a golf ball, but I've never done something like this. Do you get a silicone mold: and then...
  2. W

    How to get smell / odor out of a silicone mold

    I followed a recipe using peppermint EO and I believe I ended up using way too much EO! I cut that batch into chunks and I'm going to add it to an unscented batch next to cut it back a bit... Anyway, I now have a mold that smells strongly like peppermint, and I'm concerned about using it for a...
  3. W vs vs

    I first tried soapcalc, but then was happy to find because it let me save my recipes. I plugged in a recipe to both and got identical numbers. Woo hoo! But then I tried which seemed to have an even better interface, but it gave me different numbers. So, trying to figure...