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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. N

    Waterproofing labels

    Thanks everyone! No, I don't use waterproof labels or a laser printer. I do not have money to invest in that right now and being in Canada I think Online labels would be expensive to ship. I just use Avery regular labels. I think I'll try the spray - I have never heard of Aleene's - is it...
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    Waterproofing labels

    Hi, I am trying to waterproof/Oil-proof my labels. I cannot afford professional printing at this time. I print my own labels and then cover them with a clear protective sheet - this seems to work OK for my Balms as the label is on the lid which is taken off and the oils do not really get on...
  3. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    I have another question about the 100% Coconut bar - I use Hot Process, when I made it, it took a lot longer to cook than my other bars. Has anyone else noticed that 100% Coconut Oil (20% superfat) takes longer to become neutral - is this a quality of the Coconut Oil? Thanks!
  4. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    Thank you all - I think I get it!! I will keep playing around with it and try some new recipes!!!! :)
  5. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    I don't know the amount of water I will use - is that not what a lye calc tells you? You input the oils and it tells you the amount of lye and water??? That is what the Brambleberry one tells you!
  6. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    That tutorial is great - but, the part that I don't understand, and it is why I didn't use soapcalc - what does "water as % of Oils" mean??? I understand the superafat, I obviously know which oils I want to use and how much - but I don't understand "water as % of Oils". If this is a stupid...
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    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    I'm going to check this out and hopefully I'll get it figured out!! Thanks for the replies!!
  8. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    Thank you SO MUCH for your help!! And, as I said, I am trying to figure out soapcalc!! Under the qualities it looks like it is not a conditioning/moisturizing soap - I thought the 20% superfat would counter the drying effects?? What do you think?
  9. N

    Help with Pure Coconut Oil Soap

    Hi! Thank you all for encouraging me to figure out the lye calculators! I have been having lots of fun putting together different recipes and have been using the Brambleberry one mostly. I'm still a little uncertain about the soapcalc - but am working on it!!!! I am going to try to make a...
  10. N

    Olive Oil vs Avocado OIl

    Hi! I have a question about Olive and Avo Oil: As far as the hardness of the finished bars and the curing times; are Avocado Oil and Olive Oil the same? I know the different benefits of each oil for the skin, but I am guessing they are both oils that make for a soft bar. I am formulating a...
  11. N

    Help with recipe - PLEASE!!!

    Oh my goodness!!! You are ALL SO HELPFUL!! Thank you so much. I have been looking more at soapcalc and it seems a bit less intimidating, but I still don't really get it, but I'll keep at it! The Brambleberry I get - is that a reliable calculator? I was thinking to perhaps use Avocado Oil in...
  12. N

    Help with recipe - PLEASE!!!

    I just tried the Brambleberry one and it seemed pretty easy (yes, the other one was VERY intimidating!!). So, it said to add 4.561 oz lye and 10.56 oz water - does that seem right for the recipe I am doing? Why is the Lye a bit higher and the water much less than in the recipe I was using...
  13. N

    Help with recipe - PLEASE!!!

    Somebody gave me the recipe - how do I use this site you mention - I'm really bad at figuring this all out. I went on the site you mentioned and I don't understand how to figure it all out, could someone please help...
  14. N

    Help with recipe - PLEASE!!!

    Hi, I haven't made soap in a while but am now back at it! I was having success with my recipe but want to change it to omit the Palm Oil - I am not sure if the Lye and Water would change and how much??? The recipe I was using is: Olive Oil - 13.76 oz Coconut - 6.4 oz Palm - 6.4 oz Shea -...
  15. N

    New and need help with soap recipe!!!

    Adding Essential Oils Just wanted to ask - how much EO should I add to a 2lb batch (hot process)? My book says to add 2 TBSP for a 2lb batch - I did that and the smell isn't really coming through. Should I be adding more? How cool should the temp. be before I add the oils? I got the temp...
  16. N

    New and need help with soap recipe!!!

    Again, thanks! Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the help and I'm really happy to be on this forum!
  17. N

    New and need help with soap recipe!!!

    Thank you! Wow, thank you all so much! This has been so helpful. I will definitely check out all your recommendations. Obsidian - that recipe looks great, thank you for taking the time to figure it out - so if I make a 2lb batch and like it, do I just multiply all the amounts by 2 to get a...
  18. N

    New and need help with soap recipe!!!

    lsg - THANK YOU so very much - this helps alot! Do you think this would make a good, gentle moisturizing soap? I just wanted to clarify - do I add the castor oil in at the very beginning with all the other oils - and then add the EXTRA shea after the cook when I add my EO? In the original...
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    New and need help with soap recipe!!!

    need help still Thanks for the replies - however I'm still not sure of the amounts - I'm really new at this and if it all seems obvious, I'm sorry but I'm just learning. Gentleman, could you tell me the amount and oils you would recommend to fix this recipe and how much lye and water? sorry if...
  20. N

    Help Please: First Batch Problems

    Thank you!! Hi Soap Rat (love your name - I love rats!) Thank you so much for the explanation - I just finished posting my question! I really appreciate you taking the time to help!:-D