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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. B

    A drying suspect

    I have made the following recipe before and never had a problem with it, and in fact turned out be nice and creamy. However, with this last batch, when I used the soap my skin felt dry and little iritated. This is the base recipe: coconut oil 18.33% 11oz olive oil 33.33%...
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    Has anybody tried FO's or other items from BitterCreek website? thanks, Basia
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    coconut water

    Is it ok to use a coconut water instead of a plain water? I know that a lot of soap makers are using coconut milk, however, is there a difference b/w a coconut water and a coconut milk. :confused: Basia
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    ammonia smell

    Last night I made 1lb of simple base soap for a laundry soap. 4 oz Coconut oil 8 oz Olive oil 4 oz Palm oil 149 gr of water 64 gr of lye from BB 97 % 1/2 tsp of pink oxide I used silicone mold from crafters choice. Covered with 2 towels. Today after I unmolded I noticed that it smells...
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    Home soaps vs. commercial recipes

    My husband brought up a theory to me today. He basically said, that even with a moisturizing recipe, superfatted at 5%, he can still feel a "bite" from the soap, indicating that it still feels harsher than what he usually used, which was Lever 2000. He thinks that most, if not all...
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    Easter Soap

    Freshly made this morning!
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    Hello there My friend has an eczema and I would like to make her a soap. Could someone possibly share a recipe for a nice soap for someone with an eczema problem? Thank you, Basia
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    CPOP: Cold Process Oven Process

    I've never heard of CPOP soap before, hovewer, I am very new (about one month) to CP soap. Could someone explain this process please?
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    Melting cocoa butter and shea butter

    What is the easiest way to melt both:cocoa butter and shea butter, and at what tempature? :roll:
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    titanium dixide swirls mixed with yellow

    I just made my first white and blue marble soap. For some reason white part turned a little yellow :-( Basia
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    Difference in lye?

    Is there a difference between food grade lye from Amazon and a lye from a hardware store? Basia
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    Cleansing properties

    While working on some basic recipies, I was wandering which of the oils gives more or less cleansing properties. Does anyone know? thank you Basia :thumbdown:
  13. B

    Recipe critique please

    I want to create a well balanced moisturizing soap Please critique this one. This is a 1 pound batch. 7 oz Olive oil 4 oz Palm oil 2 oz Palm kernel flakes 2 oz Coconut oil 1 oz Shea butter 2.24 oz lye 5.28 oz water 5% lye discounted Thanks in advance for your input!
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    glycerine dispersed liquid colorants

    I am very new to soap making and I have a question about adding colors to cp soaps. Can you use, and if so how to add glycerine dispersed liquid colorants from Tkb trading to cp soaps? Thanks, Basia