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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    What is this

    I made 2 1/2 pounds of soap and used 2.5 0z of FO
  2. M

    What is this

    Its all throughout the cut bars, i gelled the loaf in a wooden mold with freezer paper.
  3. M

    What is this

    Its on all of them, Im also thinking I used a little to much FO? Would it be safe to use? It smells so good LOL
  4. M

    What is this

    It is a cut bar, it was in a wood loaf with freezer paper.
  5. M

    What is this

    Can anyone tell me what these circles are in my soap? Is it the fragrance oil? I did a zap test and I got no zap. Thanks in advance.