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    • ewhitake
      ewhitake replied to the thread Recipe dupe.
      This isn’t a “soap” but a 3 in 1 product more along the lines of a cosmetic. Reproducing this might require some experimentation with...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake reacted to AliOop's post in the thread Recipe dupe with Like Like.
      Agreed, looks like a melt and our recipe to me, with lots of fairly expensive additives. You might want to check the Swift Crafty...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake reacted to BWt's post in the thread Recipe dupe with Like Like.
      Internet search (on the complete list of ingredients as posted). Returned a link copied in below. It is a bar soap that comes in a jar...
    • ewhitake
      @Mobjack Bay @KiwiMoose and anyone else who knows - how much litsea does it take to anchor a citrus blend? I used a fragrance calculator...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake replied to the thread Recipe dupe.
      This is a bar soap? Is this for oily skin? What I would do first is google each ingredient and find out how and why it’s used. Some of...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake replied to the thread Making Beard Serum.
      Thanks!! I made mine without it and in this prep I don’t think I need it. Gave some to hubby and son to test drive, 😏
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake reacted to SideDoorSoaps's post in the thread Making Beard Serum with Love Love.
      Depending on the kind of cornstarch, it can add thickening to the base and a somewhat silky, dry feeling when it’s rubbed in. I add...
    • ewhitake
      Hi! My son requested I make a beard serum and suggested a particular brand for inspiration. In the ingredients list, listed after the...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake replied to the thread Ghost Swirl Questions.
      🥰 Thank you!! I really love this community. You all are so generous with your time and expertise!! I never understand why makers changed...
    • ewhitake
      ewhitake replied to the thread Ghost Swirl Questions.
      You’ve actually answered my question. I was under the impression that the lye concentration affected the quality of the soap. But I...
    • ewhitake
      New soaper. Still experminenting. I've done a couple of Ghost Swirls - 30/44 and 33/50. I love the lather feel of the 30/44 bar and...
    • ewhitake
      I bought a used bakers rack that was missing all of its shelves to use as a drying rack. Ordered new shelves from a restaurant supply...
    • ewhitake
      I’ve probably changed everything!! I’ve never made the same thing twice!! I’ll keep praying to the ash gods!!
    • ewhitake
      Hello Neighbor 👋🏼 when I first started soaping I was very impatient and I normally soaped around 110°. And would almost always get Ash...
    • ewhitake
      Not arguing with you, just curious. I tend to get ash when I soap over 100 and under 85. I just started soaping and live it in the...
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