Zap Help

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2009
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Needing help with zap. Usually I don't have problems, but my oven is so ancient and wonky my oven process was taking so long. After 2 hours I quit,but when I lick the bars there is a burning sensation after several seconds on the tongue. I put lime, orange & pink grapefruit eo's in it. I know I shouldn't be asking this after 2 years of making soap, but haven't had this happened before lol
To me the zap is a zap like when you touch a nine volt battery to your tongue.I haven't experienced a burning sensation though .I would let it sit for awhile longer and test it again .Could it be the eo's my skin feels a burning sensation when I use soap with eo in it.

Definitely let it sit for longer. You should be fine. Yes, it is a 9-volt battery shock/sting.
I don't lick it, I just test the tip of my tongue.It might look and smell pretty but it tastes like crap.

ooo I see so your checking for?? PH-Balance? Can't you just use some PH-tester paper thingys?

(my internet has been acting up that's why I have two of the same post.. oops! :oops: )
lovethyscent, i've been having the same problem, no zap just stinging on the tip of my tongue, it doesn't happen on my older cp soaps but it's happened to all my cp soaps since we've moved, we have a serious humidity problem in our home and suspect it is messing around with the curing. How old are our bars that are giving you the sting? if they've only just been recently made I would give them a good amount of time to cure first and then check them again. :D
Hey Guys and gals,
I use Phenophaline to test my soaps. It's inexpensive and doesn't affect the soap and best of all no licking. Just eyedropper a couple of drops on your soap if it turns pinkish orange then it's not ready if it's clear you are good to go.
Thanks Jeremy, hopefully the Phenophaline will be more accessible to lovethyscent than here in Aussie, I can only find 1 place that will sell it to me and thats at a cost of $57.00 + courier for 100 mls. Oour pool guy is going to see if they can hunt some down for us though.
Thanks everyone :) They've been only sitting for a week, but I cooked the batch in the oven and my oven was being a big pill as usual. I'll let them sit longer and see how it goes.
get some turmeric from your local grocery store's spice rack. Mix a pinch with a few ounces of water and pour a little on some of your soap. If it turns from yellow to purple then your soap definitely needs to sit longer.

Turmeric is a PH indicator that changes color between 7.5 and 8.5. 7 is nuetral and lye is very high (14 is max). If the turmeric doesn't change then the zap is probably something else.
Turmeric has 2 colors... yellow and purple.
Yellow = less than 7.5ish
Purple = greater than 7.5ish

Golden is still yellow. Take a little of this turmeric/water mix and add a drop or two of lye water. It will turn purple, give it a try.
Does it matter that I added the turmeric to the lye water instaed of the other way around? cause it still went a deep golden yellow, maybe our Aussie turmeric is "different" hehe.

If someone else tries this can u let me know how it goes cause I think this is really exciting :D
I read a post on here somewhere saying it was 1/8 tsp of tumeric to a tbs of water or better alcohol. Could it make much difference if it was not 1/8th tsp to 1 Tbs of water? Just thought I would ask in case that would give a false read.

The turmeric to water ratio doesn't matter.

When I use it to check the free fatty acide levels of my oils, I use half a pinch to 1/2 an ounce of isopropyl alcohol. I don't have any recently brewed soap to test on but I'll take some pics using lye water today or tomorrow to demonstrate.

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