Wow I guess I am impatient ;)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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Couldn't wait. I'm sitting here thinking, why not just make a mini batch of 100% olive oil?

So I did. But being me, I had to mess around with it and added honey and oatmeal, with no ill effects. Seemed to trace ok, took 25 minutes and never got super thick (is castile soap supposed to?) and I think that's because I added the honey to the lye water but didn't take away an equal amount of water? My new SB was getting so hot lol.

I took a pic on my cell but I'm beat, I'll try to get it uploaded tomorrow. It doesn't look like anything special, just a pretty pale yellow/light tan color but I'm happy. Hopefully in a few days I'll be able to cut it into bars! I used the bottom couple of inches of a cereal box, lined it with freezer paper, added the soap, then placed the top half of a slightly bigger cereal box over it, closed the lid and taped it all up. This seems to have kept the sides from bowing out. Double happy.
After looking at more youtube videos of castile only soap trace, it seems like mine got really thick in comparison. When I dribbled some of the mixture on top, it stayed right there and when I shook down the bowl, the impression stayed, just flattened out. Good or not? Could I have over done it somehow? It poured beautifully into the "mold."
Castile can sometimes take ages to trace, depending on the grade of olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil seems to take the longest. Sounds like you did a good job with yours. :wink:
I used the regular olive oil from Costco :) I think if I try that particular recipe again I'll use less water just to give the SB a break lol.

It's already setting up really nicely at 9 hours (I couldn't help myself, I had to peek the moment I got up), I can't wait to cut it and see the inside.
Wow,Amy sounds like you actually got a good trace from your all OO mixture and in only 25 minutes! I have been wanting to try castile but I don't think I could outlast the forever cure! Post pics!
I am SO impatient. I took a risk and started playing. It's already out of the mold and cut into bars and other than some tiny air bubbles, I couldn't be happier for my first try at this. They are still super soft but firm enough to cut and no weirdness going on that I can see. Sorry for the poor quality pics, my blackberry sucks. And my good camera is dead thanks to a helpful 4 year old lol

Freshly poured soap: ... =529342663

9 hours later: ... =529342663

Out of the mold (about 10.5 hours after pour): ... =529342663

Bars cut: ... =529342663
Thanks! I'm so excited lol

I just made a second small batch but replaced some of the water with cow cream (I just had some 36% whipping cream in the fridge and went "hmmmm let's try this") and left everything else the same and it traced the same in 5 minutes. Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
Nice pics Amy!!

I have a question. Where did you get your wavy cutter? I've been looking for one forever. I've search Walmart, Target and even Lowes and I just can't find it.
sugah said:
Nice pics Amy!!

I have a question. Where did you get your wavy cutter? I've been looking for one forever. I've search Walmart, Target and even Lowes and I just can't find it.
Try a restaurant supply store.
Congratulations Amy, these look great.

Sugah, you can get a wavy cutter from amazon, eligible for super saver shipping, for 7-8 bucks.
My sister gave it to me for Christmas a couple years ago, I think it's Pampered Chef (I've never used it for cooking lol). Cuts super smooth.

My second batch I think might be messed up. I don't know the term for it yet, but there's a little strip on the inside that slightly darker and looks kind of crystal-y. Not sure how to describe it. I put both up on a shelf and ordered myself not to look at them for a couple days lol. My next batch (probably tomorrow) will be just oil, lye and water, no special stuff.

Can't wait for the coconut and palm oils to get here so I can work with them.
Post a picture of your second batch, if you can break your rule about not looking at them for a couple days. :) It sounds like you might have had some separation- I've seen some really funky pictures of that- it can look like a mini-geode.

I love your first batch. I haven't made a castile batch yet because the thought of waiting for 3 months to try it out seems painful. However, the longer I wait, the longer it will be before I ever wash with some, right? I'm my own worst enemy!
I will search for a restaurant supply store in my area if not amazon it is. Thanks guys!

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