Which Would You Rather Have? - UPDATED - PIC HEAVY

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2009
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I need some opinions please. I'm doing a specialty soap for a friend of mine who survived breast cancer surgery (today actually) and I'm torn on which size to give her. I don't want to give her too much as I don't know her all that well, ok - I've never met her - she's my houskeeper's mother. But, I still want the overall package to be nice.

Included in the package (already made) are 2 4.5 oz oo soap, 2 4.5 oz lard soap, and 2 4.5 oz oo/co/co milk - all unscented. Here's the dillema - do I make the specialty soaps (colored and scented) in the 4.5 oz bars - and if so, how many - or in the smaller format (2" round) and if so, how many? I don't want to make an entire batch or even 2lbs of this stuff - the eo is expensive and I'm not likely to be giving to anyone else. Labels are especially made for her.

so... to quit my babbling - would you rather large or small bars of a specialty soap?

Opinions appreciated.
I vote for a large bar since you are doing large bars in the others.

What a nice gift BTW, especially with all the unscented ones.
No offense holly, but I would make her some smaller soaps with some calendula infused oil in it. I made some for my aunt ( she has vein disease) and it helped her immensly. I used some calendula petals in it, she had serious ulcers on her legs. Calendula is a magnificent herb! It is known for it's healing properties-great for any kind of wound. Can you make a small batch for her, and does anyone else you know have problems with wounds? Diabetics love my calendula soap and creams. Just my experiences.
No offense holly, but I would make her some smaller soaps with some calendula infused oil in it. I made some for my aunt ( she has vein disease) and it helped her immensly. I used some calendula petals in it, she had serious ulcers on her legs. Calendula is a magnificent herb! It is known for it's healing properties-great for any kind of wound. Can you make a small batch for her, and does anyone else you know have problems with wounds? Diabetics love my calendula soap and creams. Just my experiences.

Just wondering where one might get the calendula? TIA
alwaysme07 said:
Just wondering where one might get the calendula? TIA
you can get some from Scent Works and many other vendors.

I can add it to my list of things to send out today, though, if I can find mine. PM me.
Re: Which Would You Rather Have?

Sunkawakan said:
I need some opinions please. I'm doing a specialty soap for a friend of mine who survived breast cancer surgery (today actually) and I'm torn on which size to give her. I don't want to give her too much as I don't know her all that well, ok - I've never met her - she's my houskeeper's mother. But, I still want the overall package to be nice.

Included in the package (already made) are 2 4.5 oz oo soap, 2 4.5 oz lard soap, and 2 4.5 oz oo/co/co milk - all unscented. Here's the dillema - do I make the specialty soaps (colored and scented) in the 4.5 oz bars - and if so, how many - or in the smaller format (2" round) and if so, how many? I don't want to make an entire batch or even 2lbs of this stuff - the eo is expensive and I'm not likely to be giving to anyone else. Labels are especially made for her.

so... to quit my babbling - would you rather large or small bars of a specialty soap?

Opinions appreciated.

For me it could go either way.. I like them both... It depends on the scent and shapes, for round, I like it bigger so I can palm it... smaller for pieces of soap i wash my face with... or bath bars.... :D

tooo many options
Its all good, Ian.

Thanks for the suggestions. I decided to go with 4 of the big bars of the patchouli (pink and stamped with the breast cancer ribbon), and 2 of the unscented olive oil and 2 of the lard. I personalized the wraps for the pink ones for her and laminated in such a way that she could use them as book marks if she so chose.

The soap is done, just have to be wrapped and then put in a basket. Hopefully I'll have it done by tomorrow and her daughter can pick them up Wednesday or I'll deliver. I'lll post pics when I figure out how and when its all completed and ready.
It sounds like it will be a fantastic gift. I'd love to see pics for sure!
Updated - pic heavy

Ok, here are the final pictures, sort of start to finish. I only wish I were a better photographer.

Just after cutting:

Another - I'm not thrilled with the color and this was my first attempt at using the stamp - she didn't get this one as I picked out the 4 best ones:


And the final. Because the wraps have her name on them I can't give a closeup. I also added 2 castille and 2 lard, both unscented. I put it in one of those clear plastic bags and tied it with yarn and added a card.


I made another basket for her daughter, figured she needed support as well, its got a sage, a lavender and a?? (I can't remember for the life of me what the third soap I put in there was, sorry):

I think they are really special and I have no doubt what you have done for them will mean more than you realise. :D