What to do with ugly but usable soap?

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Derpina Bubbles

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2013
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Please help me wise soap peeps. I made a batch of soap (was meant to be a column pour) but it went oh so wrong. The colorants were different to my last lot (which worked fine) and the batch seized. I had extra mix to fill another mould. The result of both is just butt ugly. They work fine as soap and smell great (patchouli and grapefruit) but visually it's like rubbing up against the grim reaper while writhing in a snake pit layered in fluorescent snot. I really don't want to post pics because the shame will be everlasting.

Should I give it to friends and family that tick me off? Rebatch the lot and colour it black and slowly use it up layering it in other soaps? Use it to trap demons? It has lots of black in by the way which is why it'll be a pain to fix. Every time I look at it I loose part of my soul. Something must be done. Throwing it out seems so wasteful.

I'll have to post pics or I won't get answers, I just know it. Ok here goes -

soaps of dooooom.jpg

fluro snot blocks 1.jpg
Thanks all for the compliments, it's good to know maybe they aren't quite as bad as I thought. But I must be honest, I think the photos aren't letting the true ugly shine through. I mean, I currently have a bar of this on my kitchen bench and it's working at repelling my cats from jumping up there (everything else has failed). It could be used as exorcism soap. Up close it's just that ugly. It might look better as curls or cubes and embedded in M & P soap as suggested. I'd sure enjoy chopping it up.

*Efficacious Gentleman - I could save some as a trick maybe next Halloween.
*yadonm - Might do some confetti soap by cutting out the best bits and using them. Thanks for the idea.
I think they are really, pretty. I love the colors and the randomness of the swirls. It would be such a waste to shred them, can you make curls or slice them into long strips for embeds?
I'm not exactly a seasoned veteran at soap making by any means but for what it's worth I think they look awesome in the pics! If you're bent on not gifting them maybe head on down to your local hippie hangout and say happy holidays with a batch of soap... If you sell your products maybe attach a business card ;-) I think you may surprise yourself.
I like these a lot. I don't see a thing wrong with them. If you must cut or shred them and add them to some fresh soap batter. But seriously, leave them as is. If somebody gave me a bar like that I'd be delighted.
I literally had the same experience last weekend with a column swirl batch as well. Even used the same colors, minus the green. My soap came out terrible and I was more than bummed to think of not using them for sale. Just for smits & giggles I grabbed my crinkle cutter and sliced every side of the bar to give it ridges. I don't know why, but I think the crinkle cutter is the save-all for terrible textured soap. It almost makes it appear as though you did it on purpose. I love the color in your soap, so maybe give the crinkle cutter (or wavy cutter, whatever you call it) a try on a bar.

Either way you choose, I think you now have all of us curious as to the final result so you must post a picture once you try some of these things. Good luck.
I like them as well. Like someone else mentioned, lots of people like those colors, made me think of Bob Marley lol. I've seen posters for local hip-hop artists, record stores, etc in those colors. And also, I agree on crinkle-cutting them, will completely change the way they look!

Make the packaging complement them, and they will sell!
Examples of other things with those colors - might give you ideas of how to present them...

http://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=rasta colors

http://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=hippie colors

Your soaps also remind me of this cat : http://www.pinterest.com/pin/278097345711501439/

And these simple beaded and braided friendship bracelets: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/36591815694392679/

Idea -- pair a soap with a couple bracelets, a little decorative jar of similarly colored scrub or salts, maybe paint the jar lid or something, package it up in a little gift set. :)
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Those look awesome! I even showed the pics to my husband and he thinks they look really good too. Even though they didn't turn out as planned, they still look really nice.

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