What do you wear?

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I have had splashes on my goggles , and I am careful , it happens . Had I been wearing my RX glasses , I would probably be blind in my left eye right now .Please wear proper eye protection , you only get 1 pair of eyes per lifetime .
OK, you have convinced me that rx glasses are NOT enough. I will go to Lowes tomorrow after work. Hope I can find glasses to fit OVER my rx glasses. I have to have rx glasses on.
bconrade884 said:
OK, you have convinced me that rx glasses are NOT enough. I will go to Lowes tomorrow after work. Hope I can find glasses to fit OVER my rx glasses. I have to have rx glasses on.

If you can't find anything you can always order from www.lss.com This is where I used to order our safety stuff for work. Hopefully Lowes has stuff.
I tend to just wear my street closes with no protection. . . I really should at least wear gloves, I mean heck I have so many. My Step-dad works at a hospital and is always bringing home extra pairs of the purple gloves. My mom saves them for me, I have like a whole garbage bag full of them! I started giving them out to other people. . . but during the summer months it is just too darn hot and sticky to wear them.

ETA: I only make small batches, 1-3 lbs. If I handled more lye I would def. be more careful. I have goggles and wore them when I started out, and should really get back in the habit of wearing them each time.
Out of all the protective wear, the glasses are the one i say we should all have, i have had some close calls, and run water in my eyes, its definitely the BEST equipment to pick from!
I totally agree .
I have seen pictures of a small boy who pulled on the lye container and it spilled down over his head . I will never forget what lye can do . Never !

I wear a T-shirt and shorts and go barefoot. No gloves or goggles or anything longsleeve. I tried both the gloves and the goggles the first time I made soap, but they actually got in the way and made things harder and probably worse...so I said forget it. I just make sure to be really careful and concentrate whenever I'm measuring out the lye and messing with the lye and raw soap.

So...I'm a very bad example. Hopefully nobody will ask me to demonstrate my soapmaking style. :D

I am also a terrible example. I wear... well, whatever I was already wearing (well, not anything nice), bare feet/flip flops, no eye protection, no gloves (I used to)... I am pretty careful when mixing the lye and blending the soap and I realized today that I unconsciously squint my eyes "just in case." :oops: But I also have scooped up raw soap with bare hands, today, in fact... i did eventually put on the gloves because I had a paper cut of which I was not aware... YEOWCH!

I am ALSO bad, because although I USED to lock them in a room... my pets are roaming free, though they usually stay away... until today. Of course, when I poured my soap into the molds, it looked so pretty but as I picked one up from the floor (I have tall skinny molds) the sealed end began coming off and big globs of raw soap went on the floor. Well of course, this must be IMMEDIATELY inspected by the entire petting zoo coming at me from both sides. I was able to get the dog outside but the cats were very curious and it looked like one ran through it as I scared him off. I immediately had nightmares of his burnt paw and I poured a puddle of vinegar and one of water on the floor and I was going to dip his paw in it, but his paws were dry and there was no mark in the glob... so yeah, lesson learned. The petting zoo gets locked away from now on. I don't care if I get hurt, but not my aminals!
I am also a terrible example. I wear... well, whatever I was already wearing (well, not anything nice), bare feet/flip flops, no eye protection, no gloves (I used to)... I am pretty careful when mixing the lye and blending the soap and I realized today that I unconsciously squint my eyes "just in case." :oops: But I also have scooped up raw soap with bare hands, today, in fact... i did eventually put on the gloves because I had a paper cut of which I was not aware... YEOWCH!

I am ALSO bad, because although I USED to lock them in a room... my pets are roaming free, though they usually stay away... until today. Of course, when I poured my soap into the molds, it looked so pretty but as I picked one up from the floor (I have tall skinny molds) the sealed end began coming off and big globs of raw soap went on the floor. Well of course, this must be IMMEDIATELY inspected by the entire petting zoo coming at me from both sides. I was able to get the dog outside but the cats were very curious and it looked like one ran through it as I scared him off. I immediately had nightmares of his burnt paw and I poured a puddle of vinegar and one of water on the floor and I was going to dip his paw in it, but his paws were dry and there was no mark in the glob... so yeah, lesson learned. The petting zoo gets locked away from now on. I don't care if I get hurt, but not my aminals!
bad example here too....shorts, tank top and bare feet if it's hot. I wear rx glasses and sometimes I wear gloves, but not all the time. Guess I've been lucky too.
i wear gloves the thick yellow ones(2$) from walfart, i took them off once and got some lye mixture on finger tips, it makes them really dry feeling, didint like that. i always wear glasses, dont wear any other prot. clothing.
I wear white lined gloves (for allergies). They don't leave your hands smelling like the yellow ones do. I also wear protective glasses (sometimes over reading glasses).
i understand where everyone is coming from, but have you ever been dealing with a hazardous material wearing gloves, and have the gloves leak and not realize it? i have

i'm going to continue being hazardous, but advise no one to follow my example. it's one thing to have a couple splatters on the hand that you can quickly rinse off, but it's a different thing to have this material held tightly against the skin, smeared across a greater surface area as you take the gloves off. in the meantime, you could have had the splash neutralized with vinegar and rinsed off.

eye protection, i agree with, though.

i also have to ask you to think twice against wearing loose clothing that can absorb the lye without you knowing it, and then sit on the skin.
I always wear my goggles and heavy duty rubber gloves while working with the raw soap. When unmolding, I'll use the thin vinyl gloves as already mentioned. I wouldn't trust those with the raw soap though, I have had them rip before.

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