What are you soaping this weekend?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2011
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I'm doing my coffee mocha wedding favors, and a peppermint oatmeal batch for my sister. And a small batch to test out the bay rum and lime FOs I got. I'm considering doing a cream soap, my KOH came in yesterday. :D

What's everyone else making?
I'm working on an experiment. I'll be using varied percentages of FCO and just making 2 bar batches. If I have time, I'd like to do a castile but sometimes life interrupts and I have to deal with other things. :(
soap now

I just made a really nice Cucumber Melon 5lb batch... beautiful. NOw I'm woking on Leather.....

I've just made a coconut milk castille scented with geranium, mandarin and bergamot essential oils, and made some shampoo bars yesterday scented with rosemary, peppermint and lime. :)
I just made oatmeal honey vanilla gm. The smaller logs came out very lite colored,but the 4 pound log looks like partial gel but I still think it'll lighten too.
I made a chocolate soapcake, and 6 cupcakes, and if I get around to it I want to try cp whipped soap on top of those. I also made applejack peel in a milk soap for my son. Meanwhile I am melting M&P to make "apple slices".

I am co leading a kids craft next month and have to practice. We are gonna do 3 fruit slices stuck in a melt and pour whipped topping, all on top of a "yellow cake". I made 24 cp soapcakes slices this week for the kids to decorate.
no actual soapmaking. Rendered tallow for future soap batches. Need use few more bars before making more bars.
Amy, you are amazing. Look at how far you've come in such a short time. Your wedding guests will be very lucky to get your soaps!

I offered to do soap wedding favors for one of my students as a wedding gift. Then I learned they've invited 200 people, yipes! I'm still going to do it, but the bride and groom will have to affix the cigar bands themselves. :)

I've been doing the experimental one ounce soaps that scouter139 and prairiecraft started because I really want to know what to do with all of those 1 oz samples I have. It's fascinating to see the color variations and different rates of acceleration. I'm waiting for my fragrance oils from AHRE's latest sale :oops: to make a test batch of wedding favor soap. I'll be using clementine lavender and will be coloring it with a burgundy swirl to match the wedding colors.

Happy soaping everyone.
Aww, thank you! :oops: I couldn't do it without this forum, the help here is invaluable!

And wow that's a lot of soap, very sweet for sticking with it after finding out how many you need to make! We're doing a very small wedding, about 25 people, each getting 2 soaps.
I am making 4 different beer soaps just as soon as I get done on the computer. Then tomorrow I brew a batch of red ale, for drinking not for soaping.

I just pulled two batches out of the freezer. Oatmeal cookies and coffee and a marmalade spice. Should of gelled the marmalade spice I think. Live and learn. I was thinking about trying my coconut FO again (had problems with it last time but could of been cuz I had too much on the go) but my man just informed me when he gets home in 90 mins were going for a drive.....not even gone and I can't wait to get back. LOL

Amy, whens the date again? And when ya moving north?
April 30th, and hoping to do the move in August.

Gremlins have invaded my house :shock: My cracked wedding soaps, and my sister's soap got horrible separation. Both things haven't happened to me before :cry: Trying to salvage both (squished the cracks together and am HPing my sister's soap), but the other soaps will have to wait for a day when the gremlins are FAR AWAY. I spilled my coffee too!
Oh Amy. You need a hug today.

Are you soaping your wedding favors in a log mold? Once their cut you may hardly notice.


I'm looking forward to your arrival....
I'm using my silicone loaf molds from WSP... I think they might look ok cut, maybe kind of...rustic. Good idea to cut the tops though, I will do that if it's too ugly, thanks!

I can't wait to get there. I miss my man like crazy! We play on the xbox every day so we can talk and do something together but it's not the same. Not to mention I love it up there and can't wait to meet new people! :D
No No I wasn't thinking cut the tops off. I was just saying when you cut them into bars you won't barely notice a tiny crack as oppose to a big one in a big loaf.
But maybe cut the tops off.........LOL
I commented in your other post on a solution.
I'm doing a green and yellow combo scented with SGS Yuzu and a dash of High Voltage. Thin green layer on bottom and green soap curls embedded in the yellow top layer. I've had mixed results with embedding soap curls, so we'll see how it looks cut.
GreenScene said:
I'm doing a green and yellow combo scented with SGS Yuzu and a dash of High Voltage. Thin green layer on bottom and green soap curls embedded in the yellow top layer. I've had mixed results with embedding soap curls, so we'll see how it looks cut.

Oh I put curls on the top of my marmalade spice as well for the first time. Now I'm feeling iffy. What is your beef about the curls?
I saved my sister's soap and decided after cutting the wedding soaps and seeing them turn out ok that the gremlins went away, so I made the bay rum/lime test batch and it's in the mold now. For my sister's soap, I guess trace really fooled me. I did add bentonite clay, oatmeal, and peppermint EO, and with the lard in the recipe I was just asking for a nasty gremlin to show up.

I want to see everyone's pictures!!!

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