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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
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I just made a batch (3lbs) of OMH, I used honey (1tbsp ppo) and milk powder (1 tbsp ppo) and dissolved the honey and milk powder in some of the water for the lye. I also added steric powder (1 tsp ppo) to help the bar be firmer as I was using a coconut/olive blend (30/70) with a 6% superfat. I added 6 tbsp of ground oatmeal around trace, then sprinkled in some whole oats (that's the one thing I didn't measure!), added my FO (OMH from VCC @ .7 ppo). It looked great, a nice dark colour (my lye water had actually gone from orange to a nice rich brown) so I poured it in the mold, sculpted the top a tiny bit then quickly sprinkled with a bit more oats and as I went to put it in the freezer I noticed a dark (though it was starting to heat up) spot, as I slid it in the freezer there was just this layer of what looked like water came right out. It's about a half inch thick on top of my soap..the oats didn't start to float or anything, it was almost like I had tossed a loaf of soap in some water. What the heck is that?! Did I screw something up? Did it separate?

Recipe is as follows for clarity
953g Olive oil
408g Coconut oil

517g water
192g lye

62g OMH fragrance (from VCC .7ppo)
3 tsp steric (1 ppo)
3 tbsp honey (1 ppo)
3 tbsp milk powder (1 ppo)
6 tbsp ground oatmeal (2 ppo)
Sprinkle of whole oats in mix and another sprinkle on top.

If anyone could help me out here that would be great..I don't want to have to ditch the whole batch so hopefully it'll either reabsorb or I can HP or rebatch it..
Turns out I just couldn't leave it alone..went to check it, had my hubby pull it out of the freezer for me, and he got some on his didn't burn, so what it is? OIL! I have no idea why or how the oils would separate out, but that seems to be what happened. Dumped it all into the crock pot, warmed it up, stick blended the hell out of it and now I have a lovely OMH HP soap instead of CP soap. I managed to get all the oils back into it! It's not what I was hoping for because it ended up in a 8X8 square and some hearts, but sprinkled some oatmeal into the molds before putting it in and hopefully they'll be pretty when I take them out :) I'd rather have them not be quite what I was wanting than have to toss the whole batch!
Oh no. Im thinking it had something to do with the stearic or FO. I dont use either, but ive made tons of co/oo honey and oatmeal, with and without milk and and i use way more than you did without any problems. Glad you were able to save it.
Glad to hear you saved your batch, but I was wondering why, after going thru the trouble of adding extra steric, (I'm assuming to add hardness) you did not want your soap to gel? Gelled soaps are denser and longer lasting than non gelled because they don't absorb water as fast. Somewhere on line (sorry can't find it right now) there is a really cool experiment showing the difference between the two after they soaked for a few hours in water. It seems a lot of people here go to a lot of trouble to avoid gel and I'm really curious if there is a reason besides just the look.

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