triple scent/throw question

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Jan 21, 2012
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I noticed there are several candlers that advertise that their candles are strong triple scented.....tell me about this? How can they be triple scented? Most waxes call for a certain percentage of fragrance oil...some 6% to 8% the most I have seen is 10%. I have just started making tarts, and I am using 10% fo's in my wax. To me they do not smell really strong like I would like them to. What say you about this? Can you put more fo's in your wax than what the suppliers claim?

Honestly it's a marketing tactic. They usually don't specify what the triple is triple of. The supplier recommendation is there for safety reasons. Putting more fo in candles than the wax can handle can lead to candles that leak fo out of the wax, fires, less scent throw, too much smoke, skin irritation for customers that handle the candle, etc.

If you don't think the candles are as strong as you'd like then there are other things you can experiment with that would be safer than upping the fo. Like different wax, different fo, different wicks, longer cure time, etc.

What wax are you using and from where? What fo's? What wicks & how many for what size candles?
I've read that .05 is the industry standard, 1.0 is double, 1.5 is triple scent. So, 10% which is 1.6 would be high triple scented.
Genny is absolutely correct; it's mainly a gimmick. Compare wax to a sponge; it has its limits. Once you go over that limit you're asking for headaches. Excess fragrance can actually interfere with the burning and the scent throw. Excess fragrance may end up settling at the top or bottom of your candle, causing a fire hazard. I mainly use paraffin waxes; I've been at it for some 14+ years. With the paraffins I use 1oz. of FO to 1 pound of wax. With the parasoy blend I will use 1.2oz. max pp
hth :)
Combustion aside...and oily candles

This is where testing comes in too.

I use soy by nature doesn't hold as much fragrance oil...nor is it necessary.
I'd put my 3% load candles against a "marketed" triple scenter..any day..

You are going to enjoy the envelopement of mine and be able to enjoy the blending in the scent...over Bam! Candle burning up in here.. :mrgreen:
I recently saw a person on Ebay selling triple scented soy candles. Now normally I don't like soy but was intrigued at the triple scenting...

Umm this person in copy actually put that they use 3oz of FO in 1 pound of soy wax. I wonder if she knows that pretty much this FO will ignite at 3oz ppo.

Funny thing is on candle doesn't smell. Hmmmm??? Soy wax won't throw with too much FO.

Some people will say anything I guess.

If anyone knows where I can get that wax that won't ignite let me know. LOL Oh and this wasn't tarts this was wicked candles.
That is just so scary!

When will people understand that candle making is about doing it right! :roll: :roll:

As you can see from the posts around here and else where..we all do things a little different..
But the point is to put out a great smelling safe burning product..
Flameflightcc said:
That is just so scary!

When will people understand that candle making is about doing it right! :roll: :roll:

As you can see from the posts around here and else where..we all do things a little different..
But the point is to put out a great smelling safe burning product..

Absolutely!! Safe being the key word. Unfortunately- the buying public (mostly) doesn't know that it could start a fire. It freaks me out. I'm mostly a soaper but I do my candles here and there for family mostly though every time I gift them- people think I should sell. As we know- gifting and selling are two different monsters.

This person though is downright scary.

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