Tricks to pouring from glass bottles?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
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Does anyone have any tips or tricks on how to pour EO/FO from glass bottles like those from WSP or BB? Anytime I am trying to measure I always spill down the side of the bottle because of the way it pours out.
Yes. Hold a toothpick or chopstick to the side lip of the bottle and pour right down the pick!!

I make a mess even doing this so I've just given up on pouring. I use the little pipettes to transfer the EO/FO to my weighing container.
I do not try to pour slowly. I always pour my fo into a beaker and if I pour to much it is easy to pour back into the bottle. Trying to pour just a little or to slowly will definetly cause it to go down the side
I am not good at pouring EOs. I broke down and purchased glass droppers for each bottle. When I run out of one bottle of that particular oil, I just put my glass dropper/lid on the new one. And if I don't have a spare on hand, I do not throw the bottle away until my new one arrives so I know what dropper I used for my lavender
If you have been using the "chopstick" method with poor luck, try using a larger and/or smoother item, not a rough small item. If a toothpick doesn't work for those tiny EO bottles, try a chopstick (larger item) or use the side of a plastic drinking straw (large, smooth item) as if it's a chopstick. If a chopstick doesn't work for a larger bottle, try the flat of a butter knife held against the mouth of the bottle. It's also good to experiment with a bottle of water first to get the hang of it.