Transition from free to fee?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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Did anyone have a rough time with friends when you made the transition from giving it away to selling it? I've been giving it away and all my friends say "You should sell this". When the time comes will they embrace this and pay for more or will they just stop using it?

I know a lot depends on the product and friends but I'm interested in hearing peoples experience when they made the transition.

Some I give away for free,my first ones basically,that I wasn't to crazy about, but they are still good,maybe on the smaller side etc...
But my friends I wouldn't charge a regular price, since they do promote my soaps, for that I'm very thankfull and show my appreciation.
I tell them, if your friends or co workers want some soap, they would have to pay the price you would like to have originally.
A lot of money and time goes into making those soaps, people have to realize that.Just tell your friends, if you keep giving them away for free, you will be bankrupt and can't make any more must support your hobby....but I will not charge you the full price.
When my friend with her own salon cut my hair, I pay her......
If your soap is very good and you make the decision to go into business with it, even if it is a hobby now, they won't mind paying full price for it. Don't worry about hurting their feelings because there are many who will pay if they don't. But you need to let them know it is a serious venture.

Br Nicholas
If your soap is good the transition won't be hard.
(clearly working out your insurance etc is your own private business)
I don't know how much soap you make or what experience you have but here's a great link.
Great food for thought.
That said and aside.
One thing *I* stand by is this....
I think its a bad idea to give away 2nds and ugly soap if your thinking you want to go into business.
I did this when I first started soaping & I regret it.
Every bar of soap you give away to someone is a potential customer.
I'm doing up a big box of freebie soaps for hubby to take into his work & its my very best, well presented soaps. As every single person that takes that soap is a potential customer.
I want them to be wowed!! I know that box of soap will costs me X amount of $ to make but I know for certain I'll gain a few customers.
I'd rather give away soap that way.
Well, me I am very, very new to soapmaking... but what I plan to do is this: I start with a group of close people with who i share the soaps and tell them they are my "testers" for the moment. I give them a little survey to fill up about the quality's and presentation of the soap (I think a written survey will keep them more from thinking as a friend and make them think more as a customer), and as a reward for getting my soap I ask them to fill in this survey. With every new soap I give them, they know they can order some of the soaps I gave them before, but then they will have to pay for them...
I totally agree with nattynoo.

I don't give my friends or family any freebies anymore (unless its birthdays etc). I do however give lots of free stuff to new groups of people, which makes more business sense.
The way I see it is if you can get one new person to try it and they love it, they will tell their friends which could be 20 people? Those 20 people tell another and before you know it, you have a customer base.
We also own a renovations company, so I give gift baskets to people when we have finished their jobs, the company looks good, and I promote my business - win win! I also give away of FB. I've also done a business card up that is wrapped in cellophane and has a little soap sample with it.
By giving away I have actually been approached by a couple of retailers - but I'm not heading down that track yet, I'm not ready for it :)
I sell a ton of soap. But your question got me thinking. I've never sold soap to my friends or family.
I live my Family soap and sell at cost for friends. At First i was embarrased about taking money from them but I wasn't willing to Pay for their gifts and stuff. No One has complained. They have brought me so many real paying customers that I am thankful for...

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