Top of bar is hard but bottom soft?

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Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
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I have been having this issue lately when making CP soap. The top of the soap get's hard but when I go and mold it the bottom of the loaf is still soft that when I pick it up it leaves an indent of my thumb. Does anyone know why this may be happening? I use SL to harden the loaf but I am not sure why this is happening. Should I just let it sit more before unmolding? I am letting it sit for 24 hours before unmolding.


Is it just one recipe this is happening with, or different ones? What recipe(s)? How much SL? Are you insulating? How? How long? What kind of mold are you using? All the usual troubleshooting questions. :)

Silicone seems to take longer to harden all the way through, at least for me. What helps there (for me) is to break the airseal along the sides and let it sit for several hours. Then, when I unmold, I simply invert the mold on a cutting board and let it start sliding out on its own, pulling out the sides a little so there's no vacuum in the bottom, then carefully finish lifting the mold off. Let it sit for another hour or two upside down, then check the bottom and if it's firm flip it and cut it.
Of you post your recipe and procedure for making the soap we can help troubleshoot what ma be causing the problem. Many things can be taking place.
I usually give my loaf plenty of time to harden (24-48hrs) before removing from the mold. Then after removing, I flip it upside down or onto its side for 24 hours before cutting. Sounds like you may just be rushing the process!

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