Too Many Great Soaps!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Just this morning I tried my mango butter soap experiment (as a substitute for a lard bar - I wrote about it on my blog), and loved it. I think a lot of lard bar lovers would really like the lather. The problem is, now I have a whole slew of recipes I really like. But how many different soaps can one family use? I've got my shea shower soap, the mango butter soap, a kitchen soap, salt bars (love them!), and two facial bars (both are mild, but one takes make-up off really well, and the other is very mild and has colloidal oatmeal), a laundry soap, and I still have a few recipes I want to try out. Anyone else out there with this problem? :shock:

I know, I know, it's got to be a symptom of addiction..... :wink:
If you don't know what to do with them, send them to me!

Seriously, give some extras away, get some feedback. It will help your research process and your friends will love you.
Been there, done that!

I joke that when it takes longer to pick a soap for the shower than it does to take the shower, maybe that's a problem. :lol:

My problem isn't with formulas so much as fragrances. I live in NE Colorado, so we get the four seasons. During the cold months I like spice soaps and heavier scents. (I have a lovely creamy vanilla scent that's wonderful on a cold night.) I like fresher, lighter fragrances in the warmer months. And sometimes it just depends on what I'm in the mood to smell like.

I'm thinking about taking a bunch of mine over to the homeless shelter. I can't do too much for those folks, but I can provide a nice washing experience, at least.

Sounds like you have some great soaps going, do you work in a big faciltiy? I work with large numbers of staff being a Nurse and for a long time I gave stuff away on the conditiion I got feedback :0)
Lyn said:
Sounds like you have some great soaps going, do you work in a big faciltiy? I work with large numbers of staff being a Nurse and for a long time I gave stuff away on the conditiion I got feedback :0)

I work in a school, and have thought seriously about putting extras and samples in the work room.

But my biggest problem is I can't decide what soap I want to use at any given time!