Too many batches at once...not a good idea

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
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NEVER try and do 6 crockpots full of soap at the same time....

I ended up with 5 instead of 6 , I gave up before the last pot, but , seemed like everything that could go wrong did....., I spilled, and messed, sloshed and splatterd....grabbed the wrong things. My phone kept ringing..... someone who was working in the hay field next door had to come in and " Potty" LOL. I was like....WHAT ELSE ? hahah.

Anyway, I made Sunflower, Gravity, Dolce and Gabana, Rosemary Mint(put dried mint ) we will see what the mint turns in to. And Mac Apple.

My 6th one was gonna be an experimental cream soap. But the way I was going, I thought I had best wait.

I had 1 person who tried my soap and bought 50 bars ? WOWZERS... 15 of which were Mac Apple. That was my first real sale. Besides just one here and there , I am So excited.

I now have soap on the brain.... Made Veggie soup for supper, and told my poor hubby.... This soap sure does taste good....., he just laughed...LOL
LOL, Vic!! (the soup soap)

man! my eyes are crossing just thinking about trying that many at a time lol

i give it up to women - you guys are much better at multitasking (or, i guess, multibatching) than I :)

i do CP, and only do 1 at a time. however, when i'm soaping, there is no phone, no doorbell. they can make all the noise they want. people could be jumping up and down outside the window, and i ain't looking :lol:
Sorry your soap day was stressful. Sounds like you had your hands full.
That's wonderful about a 50-bar sale too! Way to go!
From now own 3 is my limit......but probably 1 at a time...., Its no fun when it becomes chaotic work.

I hope the mint in my soap don't look like mouse poop in a few days.

not to detract from your thread, but the mint mouse poop just reminded me of something.

I grew up on a hog farm (dad and uncle owned together, full-time business). We had these markers in many colors, and the mice would get in the boxes and eat it.

well, all over the shelves, there were little trails of orange turds, blue turds, red turds, yellow turds, green turds lmao

so the mint mouse turds struck me as funny :lol:
I have to hand it to you. You are one ambitious soaper. I cant wait to see pics. I have your soap and LOVE it, in fact I used the pearberry this am. 8)
bconrade884 said:
I have to hand it to you. You are one ambitious soaper. I cant wait to see pics. I have your soap and LOVE it, in fact I used the pearberry this am. 8)

YAY...glad you are using it ! and glad you are addicted to HP.

All of the soaps I made today are the same recipe....just different scents.

One of my batches was a little stiff right before I molded and I added about a tsp of water.......and it all loosened up and poured like gravy.
Funny, I had a stiff batch tonight and added a tad bit of grapeseed oil and it loosened up.
Vic1963 said:
bconrade884 said:
One of my batches was a little stiff right before I molded and I added about a tsp of water.......and it all loosened up and poured like gravy.

I'm trying HP and that's a good tip. Thanks.
Also, when your soap is finished in the CP, you let it cool before
adding FO? Right? So do you use a thermometer to know how
much to cool it?
castor, I dont let mine cool. I just take it away from the heat and viola` I add the fo. Dont forget you do not need alot of fo or eo in cphp. I have wonderfully scented soap.
When doing many batches at the same time, it's wise to start them with a gap in between. This presents them from all requiring attention at the same time...
Yes, too much going at once has always been a disaster for me too! Salty, chuckling over your newest picture of yourself, heheheh I love it :D
I can not even imagine attempting to make 6 batches at once! Last weekend I planned to make 3 batches; thought I'd just measure out my lye/water mixtures and they could be cooling while I got all the batches ready to go. Decided for me that would be insane....I would invariably combine the wrong lye/oil mixture so I scratched Plan A and went to Plan B. I did make 3 batches but I made them one at a time. :lol:

Congratulations on you big sale!!!
donniej said:
When doing many batches at the same time, it's wise to start them with a gap in between. This presents them from all requiring attention at the same time...

I did do them a gap apart......, Not on purpose.....but it took me a few minutes to get my lye water measured and my other stuff ready between batches... so that part worked out.

I have did 5 before with no problems....... Next time, I just have to let the phone ring no matter what....

I cut all my soaps today tho.....and they all came out fine....not surprises, LOL.

I can't wait to try goats milk and shea butter soap next week.

BUT I have a real soaping comes when I don't have to work. UGH...stinking work anyway...LOL


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