Things to do during Isolation

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Oct 20, 2019
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Seattle. WA USA
Ok so I thought everyone could use a little levity seeing as we are all confined and probably going a little stir crazy. I keep chickens and I noticed that some of them had mud balls tangled in their belly and butt feathers. Since I'm at home I decided that there needed to be a spa day for some chickens.
Here's some video I took of them getting a blow out. There's no sound, figured no one needed to hear the hair dryer.



Did they get their nail polished? :D I love the third one of PweePeep :lol:
I had to share this with my granddaughter, Autumn. I am not sure if you saw my posting titled My Amazing Granddaughter which was about her two badly injured Giant Jersey roosters a few days ago. She saved them. My granddaughter has very spoiled girls and boys.
Omg I LOVE those videos!! Especially the last one, haha, so cute.
Did they get their nail polished? :D I love the third one of PweePeep :lol:
I had to share this with my granddaughter, Autumn. I am not sure if you saw my posting titled My Amazing Granddaughter which was about her two badly injured Giant Jersey roosters a few days ago. She saved them. My granddaughter has very spoiled girls and boys.

No polish but they did get a nail trim. I have a flock of 25 chickens and I have bathed 7 so far. I probably won't do all of them because not all have mud on them but the ones that even look slightly dingy are going to need to watch out because I'm coming for them. lol

Glad to hear that the roosters are doing ok. I have a Buff Brahma rooster but I do have Jersey Giant Hen. She was the survivor of a dog attack that I nursed back to health when she was only 6 months old.
I think Autumn has a flock of at least 25 now. She has Black Giant Jerseys, Ameraucanas, and one other type, pure white, that I do not remember. One of her Jerseys is a tiny runt that my daughter is trying to get the money together to take to the only vet in their small town if she can talk the vet into treating her. Problem is the vet says she does not treat chickens but my daughter has told her she is her daughter pet, which she is. Apparently she has an abscess or something going on around one eye that my daughter is concerned about. I laugh, miss Autumn will not eat a piece of chicken or turkey for that matter, she says they might be related to her girls. :nonono:She does not care how far down the line the relationship might be. :nodding: But she will eat :lol: steak.
I think Autumn has a flock of at least 25 now. She has Black Giant Jerseys, Ameraucanas, and one other type, pure white, that I do not remember. One of her Jerseys is a tiny runt that my daughter is trying to get the money together to take to the only vet in their small town if she can talk the vet into treating her. Problem is the vet says she does not treat chickens but my daughter has told her she is her daughter pet, which she is. Apparently she has an abscess or something going on around one eye that my daughter is concerned about. I laugh, miss Autumn will not eat a piece of chicken or turkey for that matter, she says they might be related to her girls. :nonono:She does not care how far down the line the relationship might be. :nodding: But she will eat :lol: steak.
Tell her to start spraying it with Vetericyn, it won't hurt to get it in the eyes. I've used it to flush foreign objects from my hens' eyes before. It's safe to use on eyes and it will help heal infection until a vet can see it.

This is Saffron, my rooster. As you can see from his muddy feet he has not had a spa day. He's scheduled to be bathed and his nails trimmed tomorrow.
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Chickens are fun, amazing smart birds that provide food. I would love to have a couple but the hubby says NO. Just another reason I miss my kids since they moved 650 miles away. :(

Catahoula, is it alright if I cope Saffron's pic to send to Autumn? In not I understand.
My chickens are all different breeds because I wanted to have a variety of eggs and chickens. Plus if you get all one color chicken and then try to introduce a chicken of a different color they will attack the newcomer and kill it. Chickens are racist unless they are raised around different colors of chickens. They are also vicious to new birds so you have to introduce new flock members in groups and slowly. I generally get new chicks every year but I didn't this year because I wasn't certain what's going to happen later on this year but when I do get new chicks I always get at least three. That way they have their own friends in case the older hens decide to be jerks. I also keep my chicks in a separate grow out area that's next to the main area but separated by a fence. They have their own baby coop and free range space where they can be seen but not touched. Now I have some renegades that like to fly over the fence and mingle but as long as they aren't hurting the young ones then they are welcome to mingle and do a meet and greet. And then slowly over weeks I will add in a hen to the "babies" which are usually about half grown, and let them get to know each other but with plenty of room so the young ones can get away if the hen decides to be a jerk. By the time they are the size of the other hens they've generally met all of the other birds and I take down the fence and let them all have the whole area. Eventually I close the door to the baby coop and the littles will follow the older chickens to the new coop to roost and everyone is happy and no one is harmed.
:thumbs: My daughter's procedure is very similar to your procedure when introducing new girls to the flock. She has a very mixed flock and never less than 3-4 of one type. One of her very first chickens is quite the rogue and has her own coop, she just does not get along since she lost her sister a year ago. She can see the others but just cannot be with them. Even when they are turned out in the yard to run she will stay by herself and not join the others and sometimes will not even leave her coop to run around the yard.
The Racist chicken thing isn't true..... that's all I will say about it.

I am making Bee Hives. I got a ton of pre-cut wood to assemble. So today I had to get the last thing, Oil for my new Air Nailer/Compressor. Darn it I wish I had bought one of these things sooner !!
5 boxes and 20 frames. I got 5 more big boxes and 10 medium boxes (they are still being sent). And then 180 frames.
By the time I was done getting the supplies yesterday it was getting too late.
Today I had to get 2 things, not that my brain was going to let me make that in one trip {roll eyes} But it rained this morning so no biggie. It got sunny out and dried up everything so I was happy. I have to do this outside on the back deck.
It is getting dark here so I stopped and it is going to rain tomorrow :( I can glue the frames inside tomorrow and then nail them together maybe
The Racist chicken thing isn't true..... that's all I will say about it.

I am making Bee Hives. I got a ton of pre-cut wood to assemble. So today I had to get the last thing, Oil for my new Air Nailer/Compressor. Darn it I wish I had bought one of these things sooner !!
5 boxes and 20 frames. I got 5 more big boxes and 10 medium boxes (they are still being sent). And then 180 frames.
By the time I was done getting the supplies yesterday it was getting too late.
Today I had to get 2 things, not that my brain was going to let me make that in one trip {roll eyes} But it rained this morning so no biggie. It got sunny out and dried up everything so I was happy. I have to do this outside on the back deck.
It is getting dark here so I stopped and it is going to rain tomorrow :( I can glue the frames inside tomorrow and then nail them together maybe
By racist I don't mean towards humans, I mean that if you take a group of chickens that have all been raised with like colored chickens and you introduce chickens of a different color that have been raised with other chickens of their same color, the two different colored chickens will attack the others. So if you take a buff brahma and put her in with a flock of rhode island reds the reds will gang up on the buff and kill her, even with slow introductions. You can take a buff and a rhodey that have only been raised with chickens matching their same color and they will fight, resulting generally in serious injury if not death. There are always some exceptions but I prefer not to take the chance so I mix my flock.
By racist I don't mean towards humans, I mean that if you take a group of chickens that have all been raised with like colored chickens and you introduce chickens of a different color that have been raised with other chickens of their same color, the two different colored chickens will attack the others. So if you take a buff brahma and put her in with a flock of rhode island reds the reds will gang up on the buff and kill her, even with slow introductions. You can take a buff and a rhodey that have only been raised with chickens matching their same color and they will fight, resulting generally in serious injury if not death. There are always some exceptions but I prefer not to take the chance so I mix my flock.
Yes I knew what you meant.
You are still wrong. It isn't about Color it is about hierarchy, top hen, ruler of the roost.
And the RIR is a Much more dominant breed then the Brahma
In her previous flock my daughter had five hens and two roosters, of which the older one was a very small type.When they got a new young rooster everything was OK until he grew. He became racist towards the small old rooster and to a six years old boy: he was soon sent to the butcher's.

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