Tangled in Barbwire

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Nov 6, 2010
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Well, I feel a lot of empathy for jenneelk (sp?) so I thought I'd post my latest soap that came out nothing like I thought it would. I will grant you that my set-up wasn't as elaborate as hers and I didn't have color morphing, which would really really tick me off, but you never know if something will still go over okay in spite of it. Nonetheless, I'm still pulling for her purple to morph back.

This looks not at all like I meant it to but I think it actually goes better with the FO name than my original failed idea. It looks spiky and shard-y which fits. Smells a lot like leather so far, although the description says it's supposed to smell like Mother Nature. Maybe Mother Nature wears a saddle or biker clothes.

Awe Newbie. Thank you for pulling for me. Wish there was a hugs emoticon on this forum. :)

I think yours here looks fab!! I'm on my phone but to me it loos like marble or Oreo
Cookie ice cream! Yum!

Did you have 2 colors.. Grey and black?
You'd laugh your butt off if you knew what I MEANT this to look like. It does look kind of Oreo-esque or like chocolate chip ice cream but it smells like a cow's hide. So far at least. But overall, I'm good with how it looks because it makes some sense with the FO name, so I lucked out.

I used black, natural (no color) and white.

I'll take the hug without the emoticon, jenneelk! Post a picture if it turns once it's saponified and aired a bit- come on orchid!!!

I found this. This is kind of what I wanted. Oops.

Looks so cool and looks a lot like a marble or granite. In fact, I think it came out cooler (is there such a word?) than the picture you used for your inspiration. Did you use embeds to get the shards, etc? That just looks so awesome!
I agree with Kazmi.. def like yours better. The other is neat with little hints of white cracks showing through.. but love yours!
Well, you guys are great and ever encouraging!

Hazel, the FO is Daystar's Tangled in Barbwire.

I didn't embed the shards. The FO is a major accelerator and I put it into the black and the natural and poured them right away. I kept some batter back for the white and didn't put any FO into it so it was still very liquid. I poured it over the pretty set black and natural and then took a spoon and tried to lift chunks of the black up so the white would flow around it. I meant to only lift big chunks so it would be like big islands of black and natural surrounded by thin lines of white, but clearly I put too much white in and also shoved my spoon in too many times and broke up the black pieces too much. Ah well, lesson learned and now I have a crazy mosaic instead of a slab. It's all good, plus jenneelk's browny color is turning purple so it's a fine day!
Well, you guys are great and ever encouraging!

Hazel, the FO is Daystar's Tangled in Barbwire.

I didn't embed the shards. The FO is a major accelerator and I put it into the black and the natural and poured them right away. I kept some batter back for the white and didn't put any FO into it so it was still very liquid. I poured it over the pretty set black and natural and then took a spoon and tried to lift chunks of the black up so the white would flow around it. I meant to only lift big chunks so it would be like big islands of black and natural surrounded by thin lines of white, but clearly I put too much white in and also shoved my spoon in too many times and broke up the black pieces too much. Ah well, lesson learned and now I have a crazy mosaic instead of a slab. It's all good, plus jenneelk's browny color is turning purple so it's a fine day!

Have you tried adding the fo to your oils and soaping at room temp?
Hazel, you never know, I might be creative enough to name my soap that! No, not really. I'm not that creative.

Dagmar, I often do soap RT and put the FO in the oils. I wanted the acceleration for only a part of the batter so I couldn't do that here and I couldn't soap RT because the recipe had a lot of tallow and coconut oil in it and I had to have it warm to keep it from solidifying.

Thanks for the compliments. I have it out on my counter currently and I have to say that Mother Nature still smells like leather and not much else. Maybe she's a dominatrix (our weather this week, Hazel ;) ) or maybe she's a really sweaty cowgirl.
I soap RT, too. I use a lot of coconut, tallow and lard, so if I'm not using milk, I will use thermal transfer. My oils will be room temperature and my lye mix will warm them up. Since my hard oils are 75% of my recipe, I do melt them, then mix in my liquid oils. Then let them sit til I'm ready to make soap. (I did try using the lye for the initial melt and ended up putting my container in a sink of hot water because the TT was not enough to melt them all.) If I do use milk, then my lye is cold, too. I still soap RT. Sometimes I have a "false trace" early on, but I have learned to ignore that and keep blending til I get true trace. BTW, great looking soap!
It looks very cool. I think it came out very nice... wish I could smell it :)
Thanks for the compliments. I have it out on my counter currently and I have to say that Mother Nature still smells like leather and not much else. Maybe she's a dominatrix (our weather this week, Hazel ;) ) or maybe she's a really sweaty cowgirl.

Maybe both. All I can say is Mother Nature is beating me into a sweaty blob of jelly this week. High 80s-low 90s with a heat index of 100+. I hope it rains soon but that might make the mugginess worse.

I'm not creative with names, either. :(
Yep, Momma Nature is spanking us this week too. 90's with heat indexes in the 100's. My two winter dogs can't get enough exercise because they overheat too easily and I melt. I generally don't use AC because I hate being closed into the house but it's on non-stop in the last couple weeks. Not too far from you, Hazel, in Wisconsin. I know it doesn't pay to disagree with Mother Nature but...
Aha! So, it's all your fault. You used an FO which was supposed to represent the fragrant essence of Mother Nature and *surprise!*....didn't.

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Now she's not happy.

We've had the AC on, too. I feel sorry for the older dog because I have to practically shove him out the door. The younger dog is her typical rambunctious self and doesn't seem bothered but I won't let her stay out too long. I wonder about her at times. She's not the swiftest dog in the pack, kwim?