Sustainability / Cruelty Free / Vegan Statements

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
Reaction score
Does your business claim any of these things?

I do not have these statements because it seems "weird" to me since I don't grow my own soy beans or have complete control over my supply chain (I don't make fragrance oils, for example, I buy them from crafting websites). I work hard to make sure I am shopping with ethical companies though and I will buy from companies that advertise no animal testing / vegan over ones that don't.

The question has come up for me because someone commented on my Instagram to do more research regarding palm wax (it's IGI 2779) :/
Yes, we have a cruelty free and vegan statement - I wont buy any cosmetics or toiletries from a company that doesnt, whether thats for our business or for personal use. We dont have a sustainability statement as such but we do have a no plastic statement as well as an ethics policy which covers everything we do/dont.
Yes, we have a cruelty free and vegan statement - I wont buy any cosmetics or toiletries from a company that doesnt, whether thats for our business or for personal use. We dont have a sustainability statement as such but we do have a no plastic statement as well as an ethics policy which covers everything we do/dont.

Is it better to create an ethics policy for a small business? I would be HORRIFIED if my products were tested on animals. I'm personally a vegetarian. I do my due diligence as much as one possibly can at this level (For example, I don't visit the farms that harvest the soy beans I use in my wax to ensure they have fair labor practices - I trust the crafting sites that say they do)