Storing CP Soap in Basement?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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All my soaps are piling up in the kitchen and the smell is getting to me. That, plus I have company coming for Thanksgiving. Right now I have some on wire racks, some in show boxes lightly covered with paper towels and some in boxes with loose covers. Can I stick them in the basement for a couple of days? It's not a very old basement, some dampness but not much at all. Do you think they'll be all right for three days? I really have to give more away before this gets too out of hand...
You can probably get away with it, but I don't think it's a great idea.
Still, we all do what we have to.

Can you put a dehumidifier down there? Or relocate the soaps to a guest bedroom or the like?
You can probably get away with it, but I don't think it's a great idea.
Still, we all do what we have to.

Can you put a dehumidifier down there? Or relocate the soaps to a guest bedroom or the like?

Despite the loud dissent in a previous thread way back, it's NOT a great idea to cure your scented soaps in your living space. If you have a significant number of bars the fragrances can be too much for healthy lungs. Lots of soap is like having lots of air fresheners going. ... 09559.html

For occasional use, have at it - but long term exposure doesn't make sense. To me, anyway.
Carebear I agree. I've had well-controlled asthma for three years and was actually surprised that I could tolerate the scents. But I caught a cold in Sept. and have been suffering since. The scents are just killing me. I'm sensitive to coughing now and almost nauseated by some of the scents. I'm going to find them all a new home. I have a couple in the linen closet downstairs and the smell is getting to me in there too. This is disheartening, as I love the craft and feel attached to my soaps. :(
I'm a soaper with asthma. In my old house I kept my soaps out in the laundry room off the garage, with a dehumidifier - and spent a bare minimum of time in there.

Now I cure them in my studio.

I strongly recommend a dedicated room or closet with a dehumidifier and a way to vent. I do NOT recommend an ionic air purifier as the ionized air can damage the lungs.
Just curious, since I have been storing my soaps in my basement...why is this an issue? I guess it does feel a little less dry in my basement than in does in my house but not hugely so. Does this cause slower curing or DOS?
I've been curing my soaps in the basement (with dehumidifier) and mice have been eating them...
Well, I can see how the mice would be a problem. You might have to make an enclosed curing rack (or get a cat!)
If people put where they were from, this would be much easier to reply to!!! Yes this is my pet peeve, you can see my post about it in the general forum.

This would definitely depend on where you live. I am in Utah and my basement, garage, etc., is really dry. I think age of the home comes into play too. I haven't needed to store my soap in the basement yet, I wish I did, I have been lazy. But I wet, damp environment is not good for soap. the soap !!!! ok well mine sure isnt going out to the garage....I had to bring all the animal food inside as the mice were getting into it....

Our cat is too lazy to chase them, and there is obviously plenty of natural food in the bush , the pythons are not even coming after them
Yeah, depends on the basement. Ours is open on one side (walk out), we run a dehumidifier, and I don't tend to soap as much in the summer since that is when the basement is a little humid. it seems fine for curing my soap.

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