Stinky soap conundrum solved!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Okay, so here's the deal....One of my first batches of soap was a hanger swirl with WSP's Mango Twist FO. It smells amazing and everyone that I know is waiting for the bars to cure.

My sister came over one day and took a bar from each of my batches and I told her to let them air out and I would let her know when they could be used. She has asked me every few days if the Mango Twist was ready yet and I finally told her last night to go ahead and use it. She called me back after her shower and said that she noticed right away that the scent was completely gone and when she used it in the shower it started to stink really bad. She described it as a really bad stale smell and said she washed her arms and stomach before throwing it away because she couldn't stand the smell anymore.

I immediately went and checked the rest of the batch. I use 20% Canola, so I'm paranoid about DOS. Anyway, the bars I have here still smell lovely, so I used one in my shower last night and had no issues. I even caught the scent a few times on my skin while I was at work last night.

She said she had been storing it on her bakers rack but that it wasn't in direct sunlight, so I was stumped. It really bothered me that my soap stank so bad that she had to throw it away. Tonight she let me know that she found the reason for the stink....she had been storing a bag of potatoes on the shelf above the bars. The potatoes had gone bad and were leaking onto the soap!!

I'm sure everyone will understand when I tell you that I was so upset about my soap being ruined that I'm just now realizing the yuck factor in her washing with rotten potato. My initial "ewww" was for my soap and I didn't get the "ewww" of her using it until just

I told her I would give her another bar but she had informed me that because her birthday is in 2 days, she wants 2 bars and she wants them wrapped prettily.
At least your sister is willing to try it again. One sister does not like the smell of the soap itself so won't use it, the other one just says "More for the rest of us". But rotten potatoes? EWWWW is right.
My sister is my biggest soaping supporter and fan. When I told her I wanted to start making soap, she rushed right out and hit the flea markets for stick blenders, molds etc. She's a shopaholic though so, it was another excuse for her to
that poor girl, rotten potatoes are the worst. I am so happy it was not your soap..
Nightlily, I am sitting at an outdoor cafe reading this on my phone and laughed out loud!
Got some funny looks from other patrons.
Glad it wasn't your soap!
I got stinky soap from WSP Almond, other soaps made with same oils were fine but the almond reeks! Still have not figured that one out.
Hilarous! glad you were able to figure out the culprit and it wasn't your soap. Eeewwww rotten potato! Yuck!
LOL...I knew you would all understand. It was seriously disturbing before she figured out it was the potatoes. I've made about 10 batches with this recipe and this is the first CP that's cured. I just kept thinking " What if it's the recipe? Are they all going to start smelling?".

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