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Feb 2, 2013
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Has anyone experimented with soap nuts in a soap making process? What recipe did you use and is there any way the saponins can negate the use of lye? I have read it is possible but have no idea for a recipe. Even a liquid soap would be beneficial if lye wasn't used! I have a 17x extract and the actual nuts to use.
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There's a lady in Ontario who was making soap for a company that sold soapnuts. I don't know how she did it - she never shared her recipe. But maybe try soaking them in water to extract what you can and use that for you lye water?
There's a lady in Ontario who was making soap for a company that sold soapnuts. I don't know how she did it - she never shared her recipe. But maybe try soaking them in water to extract what you can and use that for you lye water?

I will give it a go when I am going about it, unfortunately I am not an experienced soap maker so this is going to be some trial and errors. I just am trying to avoid some. Thanks for your knowledge though!
You are welcome. I wish I could be of more help. If you haven't already visited there - take a look at the Miller Soap Site. There is a lot of great information for beginners that can help steer you in the right direction.
I've never used soap nuts in any capacity but was reading a blog a few weeks ago where the writer soaked the soap nuts in water then used that water for their lye mixture. They soaped like normal and said that the finished bars had a lot of extra bubbly lather. I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me find this blog again to link to :thumbdown:

edit: Here it is!
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I've never used soap nuts in any capacity but was reading a blog a few weeks ago where the writer soaked the soap nuts in water then used that water for their lye mixture. They soaped like normal and said that the finished bars had a lot of extra bubbly lather. I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me find this blog again to link to :thumbdown:

I saw it the other day too lol, its hard to find(searched various terms) but I know what you are talking about! I guess I will go with that approach.
I saw it the other day too lol, its hard to find(searched various terms) but I know what you are talking about! I guess I will go with that approach.

I must've found it right as you were quoting me because I just went back and added the link. I know not quite what you were looking for but still interesting!
Well, looks like I was beat to the punch :) Let us know how it turns out please. I've been wondering how soap nuts would work.
I will be so happy if this works, organic luxury soaps from me for free for all who helped:)
I've just ordered som soapnuts. Going to give it a go when I receive them. I suppose that it can be used in the same way as hops in CP... boil them down and use the water for the lye solution.
Though this sounds bizarre as I read it back... I'm a big SoapNuts user. Four or five nuts in a little mesh bag washes five loads of laundry easily, and when boiled in tap water makes a great general kitchen cleaner. My understanding is that adding a combination of Borax and Washing powder to it will create a tremendous amount of liquid dishwasher detergent.

As for adding it to soap: I've only made two batches, but I've read enough to know that oils need lye to saponify, so adding something that's already saponified helps neither the oil or the lye.
I use soapnuts a lot! Lately I've been using them in lieu of my homemade liquid laundry detergent, and I also crush the shells into a powder to make an automatic dishwasher powder detergent (with borax, washing soda, grated castile soap, and sweet orange EO). I too go the organic route. :) Soaking in water would take a long time but this also depends on what form of soapnuts you ordered. Many places sell crushed soapnuts but IMPO I feel I get more bang for my buck with whole soapnuts. I bought mine when they had a monthly special from Mountain Rose Herbs for $4.50/lb. I get the most out of them when I make soapnut liquid by cooking them in a crockpot. 15 soapnuts to about 6-9 cups of water. After the water is quite dark and has cooked down some (you can add more if you wish as it cooks), usually after cooking for 12+ hours, I let it cool. Then I remove the skins from the pits of the soapnuts, and squeeze all those rich saponins out into the liquid, then strain. It doesn't keep very well so I freeze excess liquid personally but you can use citric acid as a preservative, I've heard. I imagine you could use distilled water to cook a rich soapnut liquid like I described, then add your lye and see what kind of soap you get. :razz: I should warn you about the smell soapnuts have though, if you don't already know. To me it smells like wet dog. To others, vinegar. But it doesn't linger on my clothes or dishes. If used in a bar soap though I'd definitely want EOs in there to offset the odor.
I soaked the soapnuts in distilled water overnight,then made a batch of olive oil and superfatted with coconut oil.
It is a great soap-my friend has a little girl who is covered in eczema because she is on anti rejection drugs. They love the soap. I use it as my face cleanser.
You know what I have to wonder? I know you can use soapnuts over and over again in laundry. I wonder how many times you could boil them the way they did? If many, it oculd be a really cost-effective lather producer....
Thanks for your answers! they're very helpful. I haven't yet got my soapnuts... going nuts until they come :), of curiosity and excitement. Hopefully this week. I don't know how bad they smell.... worse then neem oil? I made some soap with goat milk, wine and beer. the reaction with lye gave off a terrible smell at the beginning. especially with milk. but the smell went off after a while. I froze those liquids... I suppose it's the same for soapnuts boil.
I got further questions...
soapmaker4: did you just soak them, without boiling? I'm going to give it a go.
looking forward to get them!

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